Terren Suydam wrote:


Understanding goes far beyond mere knowledge - understanding *is* the
ability to solve problems. One's understanding of a situation or problem is
only as deep as one's (theoretical) ability to act in such a way as to
achieve a desired outcome. 



I disagree. A grandmaster of chess can explain his decisions and I will
understand them. Einstein could explain his theory to other physicist(at
least a subset) and they could understand it.


I can read a proof in mathematics and I will understand it - because I only
have to understand (= check) every step of the proof.


Problem solving is much much more than only understanding.

Problem solving is the ability to *create* a sequence of actions to change a
system's state from A to a desired state B.


For example: Problem Find a path from A to B within a graph.

An algorithm which can check a solution and can answer details about the
solution is not necessarily able to find a solution.




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