As unpopular as philosophical discussions are lately, that was what this is - a 
debate about whether language is separable from general intelligence, in 
principle. So in-principle arguments about language and intelligence are 
relevant in that context, even if not embraced with open arms by the whole list.


--- On Tue, 10/21/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OK, but I didn't think we were talking about what is "possible in principle" 
but may be unrealizable in practice...

It's possible in principle to create a supercomputer via training pigeons to 
peck in appropriate patterns, in response to the patterns that they notice 
other pigeons peck.  My friends in Perth and I designed such a machine once and 
called it the PC or Pigeon Computer.  I wish I'd retained the drawings and 
schematics!  We considered launching a company to sell them, IBM or 
International Bird Machines ... but failed to convince any VC's (even in the 
Internet bubble!!) and gave up...

ben g

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