Incorrect things are wrapped up with correct things in peoples' minds

Mark seems to be thinking of something like the checklist that the ISP
technician walks through when you call with a problem.

Um.  No.

I'm thinking that in order to integrate a new idea into your world model, you first have to resolve all the conflicts that it has with the existing model. That could be incredibly expensive.

(And intelligence is emphatically not linear)

But Ben is saying that for evaluating science, there ain't no such checklist.
The circumstances are too variable, you would need checklists to infinity.

I'm sure that Ben was saying that for doing discovery . . . . and I agree.

For evaluation, I'm not sure that we've come to closure on what either of us think . . . . :-)

----- Original Message ----- From: "BillK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: AW: AW: [agi] Re: Defining AGI

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

Incorrect things are wrapped up with correct things in peoples' minds

However, pure slowness at learning is another part of the problem ...

Mark seems to be thinking of something like the checklist that the ISP
technician walks through when you call with a problem. Even when you
know what the problem is, the tech won't listen. He insists on working
through his checklist, making you do all the irrelevant checks,
eventually by a process of elimination, ending up with what you knew
was wrong all along. Very little GI required.

But Ben is saying that for evaluating science, there ain't no such checklist.
The circumstances are too variable, you would need checklists to infinity.

I go along with Ben.


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