It sure seems to me that the availability of cloud computing is valuable
to the AGI project.  There are some claims that maybe intelligent programs
are still waiting on sufficient computer power, but with something like
this, anybody who really thinks that and has some real software in mind
has no excuse.  They can get whatever cpu horsepower they need, I'm pretty
sure even to the theoretical levels predicted by, say, Moravec and
Kurzweil.  It takes away that particular excuse.  So nowadays, about the
only excuse left is that people don't have enough top-level research
programmers working for them.  And in saying that, I do mean that AGI
programs now generally recognize that there are some significant unsolved
programming challenges, even if they believe they have most of the
framework of an intelligent system.

>> From: Mike Archbold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I guess I don't see how cloud computing is materially different from
>> open source in so much as we see the sharing of resources and also now
>> increased availability, no need to buy so much hardware at the outset.
>>  But it seems more a case of convenience.
> The cloud is the host. It's hardware virtualized with open ended resources
> on demand. Open source resources usually don't include the hardware. And
> open source software can be copied ad infinitum. Shared hardware is a
> finite
> resource. And there is a huge surplus of it underutilized.
>> So what does that have to do with AGI?   I can see the advantage that
>> if you wanted your executable code to remain hidden in a cloud so
>> nobody can get a hold of it to decompile and figure it out, however.
> Some AGI experiments can require multiple servers. There may be some test
> runs that require dozens or hundreds of servers. So instead of having a
> data
> center you rent one on demand.
> Then there's the general trend on what is going on with that technology.
> It's another form of distributed computing but with a more assertive and
> practical flavor.
> John

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