> From: Russell Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:04 PM, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > No, you don't lock it into an instance in time. You make it
> selectively
> > scalable.
> >
> > When your app or your application's resources span more than one
> machine you
> > need to organize that. The choice on how you do so effects execution
> > efficiency. You could have an app now that needs 10 machines to run
> and 5
> > years from now will run on one machine yes. That is true.
> Okay, when you said "design", I thought you meant making design
> decisions about the architecture. If you're talking tweaking
> configuration files, sure; but you can do that on a cloud, too.

I AM talking about design decision in the architecture. I assume that AGI is
so resource constrained at this time that the architecture has to be molded
to conventional hardware for the next several years. It would be nice not to
worry about that and just design AGI based on theory assuming infinite

Take the brain for example. It's not one homogenous mass of entangled
neurons. It is partitioned up. This evolved design is partially based on
efficiency. If the electrochemical communication metrics were different the
brain would be partitioned up differently.


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