On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 6:45 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It sure seems to me that the availability of cloud computing is valuable
> to the AGI project.  There are some claims that maybe intelligent programs
> are still waiting on sufficient computer power, but with something like
> this, anybody who really thinks that and has some real software in mind
> has no excuse.  They can get whatever cpu horsepower they need, I'm pretty
> sure even to the theoretical levels predicted by, say, Moravec and
> Kurzweil.  It takes away that particular excuse.

Indeed, that's been the most important effect of computing power
limitations. It's not that we've ever been able to say "this program
would do great things, if only we had the hardware to run it". It's
that we learn to flinch away from the good designs, the workable
approaches, because they won't fit on the single cheap beige box we
have on our desks. The key benefit of cloud computing is one that can
be had before the first line of code is written: don't think in terms
of how your design will run on one box, think in terms of how it will
run on 10,000.

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