--- On Thu, 10/30/08, Pei Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [C]. "Because of B, the universe can be simulated in
> Turing Machine".
> This is where I start to feel uncomfortable.

The theory cannot be tested directly because there is no such thing as a real 
Turing machine. But we can show that the observable universe has finite 
information content according to the known laws of physics and cosmology, which 
assumes finite age, size, and mass. In particular, the Bekenstein bound of the 
Hubble radius gives an exact number (2.91 x 10^122 bits).


This does not mean you could model the universe. It would be impossible to 
build a memory this large. Any physically realizable computer would have to be 
built inside our observable universe. But that is not a requirement for Occam's 
Razor to hold.

I realize we don't have a complete theory of physics. In particular, quantum 
mechanics has not been unified with general relativity. I also realize that 
even if we did have a complete theory, we couldn't prove it.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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