--- On Thu, 10/30/08, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > Cloud computing is compatible with my proposal for distributed AGI.
> > It's just not big enough. I would need 10^10 processors, each 10^3 to
> > 10^6 times more powerful than a PC.
> > 
> The only thing we have that come close to those numbers are
> insect brains.
> Maybe something can be biogenetically engineered :) Somehow
> wire billions of
> insect brains together modified in such a way that they are
> peer 2 peer and
> emerge a greater intelligence :)

Or molecular computing. The Earth has about 10^37 bits of data encoded in DNA*. 
Evolution executes a parallel algorithm that runs at 10^33 operations per 
second**. This far exceeds the 10^25 bits of memory and 10^27 OPS needed to 
simulate all the human brains on Earth as neural networks***.

*Human DNA has 6 x 10^9 base pairs (diploid count) at 2 bits each ~ 10^10 bits. 
The human body has ~ 10^14 cells = 10^24 bits. There are ~ 10^10 humans ~ 10^34 
bits. Humans make up 0.1% of the biomass ~ 10^37 bits.

**Cell replication ranges from 20 minutes in bacteria to ~ 1 year in human 
tissue. Assume 10^-4 replications per second on average ~ 10^33 OPS. The figure 
would be much higher if you include RNA and protein synthesis.

***Assume 10^15 synapses per brain at 1 bit each and 10 ms resolution times 
10^10 humans.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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