> From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --- On Thu, 10/30/08, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > Cloud computing is compatible with my proposal for distributed AGI.
> > > It's just not big enough. I would need 10^10 processors, each 10^3
> to
> > > 10^6 times more powerful than a PC.
> > >
> >
> > The only thing we have that come close to those numbers are
> > insect brains.
> > Maybe something can be biogenetically engineered :) Somehow
> > wire billions of
> > insect brains together modified in such a way that they are
> > peer 2 peer and
> > emerge a greater intelligence :)
> Or molecular computing. The Earth has about 10^37 bits of data encoded
> in DNA*. Evolution executes a parallel algorithm that runs at 10^33
> operations per second**. This far exceeds the 10^25 bits of memory and
> 10^27 OPS needed to simulate all the human brains on Earth as neural
> networks***.
> *Human DNA has 6 x 10^9 base pairs (diploid count) at 2 bits each ~
> 10^10 bits. The human body has ~ 10^14 cells = 10^24 bits. There are ~
> 10^10 humans ~ 10^34 bits. Humans make up 0.1% of the biomass ~ 10^37
> bits.
> **Cell replication ranges from 20 minutes in bacteria to ~ 1 year in
> human tissue. Assume 10^-4 replications per second on average ~ 10^33
> OPS. The figure would be much higher if you include RNA and protein
> synthesis.
> ***Assume 10^15 synapses per brain at 1 bit each and 10 ms resolution
> times 10^10 humans.

I agree on the molecular computing. The resources are there. Not sure though
how one would go about calculating the evolution parallel algorithm OPS, it
would be different than just cell reproduction magnitude.

Still though I don't agree on your initial numbers estimate for AGI. A bit
high perhaps? Your numbers may be able to be trimmed down based on refined


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