> As I explained, I am on fence here. In physics, a theoretical
> physicist clearly identifies the unproven assumptions, and experimental
> physicists get right onto testing those assumptions.

This isn't really true though.  For instance string theory is controversial
because no one really knows how to use it to make experimental predictions
about anything currently  measurable...

> Further, they all work in the same Physics Building on the University, talk
> things over with each over in the coffee room, etc. It is EXTREMELY rare for
> someone like Einstein to figure something important out in a vacuum (no pun
> intended).

Hmmm... the Institute for Advanced Study has no lab, for instance ...

> In summary, I completely agree that we need theoretical people. However,
> once a theory is on the table you simply can't stop there. If you know
> something/anything new about aging, there is probably someone out there
> whose life you could easily save (at least for a few years) with that
> knowledge. If no such person exists, then your "knowledge" is probably
> situated within some useless paradigm. In short, at least with longevity,
> there is simply no excuse for not trying things out, as there is certainly
> no shortage of experimental subjects.

To me that's like saying: "if you know something/anything new about energy,
there is probably some way you can make a better power plant with that
knowledge."  But science doesn't work that way....  It can be a long path
from theoretical understanding to practical application, involving many

Anyway this is getting way off-topic for the AGI list..


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