>> Seed AI is a myth.

Ah.  Now I get it.  You are on this list solely to try to slow down progress as 
much as possible . . . . (sorry that I've been so slow to realize this)

add-rule kill-file "Matt Mahoney"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matt Mahoney 
  To: agi@v2.listbox.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 8:23 PM
  Subject: **SPAM** Re: [agi] My prospective plan to neutralize AGI and other 
dangerous technologies...

        Steve, what is the purpose of your political litmus test? If you are 
trying to assemble a team of seed-AI programmers with the "correct" ethics, 
forget it. Seed AI is a myth.
        http://www.mattmahoney.net/agi2.html (section 2).

        -- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        --- On Tue, 11/18/08, Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

          From: Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Subject: Re: [agi] My prospective plan to neutralize AGI and other 
dangerous technologies...
          To: agi@v2.listbox.com
          Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 6:39 PM

          Richard and Bill,

          On 11/18/08, BillK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
            On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Richard Loosemore wrote:
            > I see how this would work:  crazy people never tell lies, so 
you'd be able
            > to nail 'em when they gave the wrong answers.

            Yup. That's how they pass lie detector tests as well.

            They sincerely believe the garbage they spread around.

          In 1994 I was literally sold into servitude in Saudi Arabia as a sort 
of slave programmer (In COBOL on HP-3000 computers) to the Royal Saudi Air 
Force. I managed to escape that situation with the help of the same Wahhabist 
Sunni Muslims that are now causing so many problems. With that background, I 
think I understand them better than most people.

          As in all other societies, they are not given the whole truth, e.g. 
most have never heard of the slaughter at Medina, and believe that Mohamed 
never hurt anyone at all.

          My hope and expectation is that, by allowing people to research 
various issues as they work on their test, that a LOT of people who might 
otherwise fail the test will instead reevaluate their beliefs, at least enough 
to come up with the right answers, whether or not they truly believe them. At 
least that level of understanding assures that they can carry on a reasoned 
conversation. This is a MAJOR problem now. Even here on this forum, many people 
still don't get reverse reductio ad absurdum.

          BTW, I place most of the blame for the middle east impasse on the 
West rather than on the East. The Koran says that most of the evil in the world 
is done by people who think they are doing good, which brings with it a good 
social mandate to publicly reconsider and defend any actions that others claim 
to be evil. The next step is to proclaim evil doers as "unwitting agents of 
Satan". If there is still no good defense, then they drop the "unwitting". Of 
course, us stupid uncivilized Westerners have fallen into this, and so 19 brave 
men sacrificed their lives just to get our attention, but even that failed to 
work as planned. Just what DOES it take to get our attention - a nuke in NYC? 
What the West has failed to realize is that they are playing a losing hand, but 
nonetheless, they just keep increasing the bet on the expectation that the 
other side will fold. They won't. I was as much intending my test for the sort 
of stupidity that nearly all Americans harbor as that carried by Al Queda. 
Neither side seems to be playing with a full deck.

          Steve Richfield

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