>>>  Implication for neuroscientists proposing to build a WBE (whole brain
>>>  emulation):  the resolution you need may now have to include all the
>>>  DNA in every neuron.  Any bets on when they will have the resolution
>>>  to do that?
>> No bets here. But they are proposing that elements are added onto the DNA,
>> not that changes are made in arbitrary locations within the DNA, so it's not
>> /quite/ as bad as you suggest
> It would be pretty embarrassing for people gearing up for scans with a
> limiting resolution at about the size of one neuron, though.  IIRC that was
> the rough order of magnitude assumed in the proposal I reviewed here
> recently.

When I saw Todd Huffman give a presentation on brain imaging aimed toward
WBE last year, he was showing images revealing individual proteins expressed
around in the brain ... and the challenge was to infer higher-level stuff like
synaptic potentiation from this lower-level protein-expression imaging data

My recollection of the details is fuzzy, but anyway I'm clear that he and others
in that field are working on lower-level imaging as well as neuron-level...

ben g

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