--- On Mon, 12/29/08, Richard Loosemore <r...@lightlink.com> wrote:

> 8-) Don't say that too loudly, Yudkowsky might hear
> you. :-)
> When I suggested that someone go check some of his ravings
> with an outside authority, he banned me from his discussion
> list.

Yudkowsky's side of the story might be of interest...


-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

> From: Richard Loosemore <r...@lightlink.com>
> Subject: Re: [agi] [Science Daily] Our Unconscious Brain Makes The Best 
> Decisions Possible
> To: agi@v2.listbox.com
> Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 4:02 PM
> Lukasz Stafiniak wrote:
> >
> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081224215542.htm
> > 
> > Nothing surprising ;-)
> Nothing surprising?!!
> 8-) Don't say that too loudly, Yudkowsky might hear
> you. :-)
> The article is a bit naughty when it says, of Tversky and
> Kahnemann, that "...this has become conventional wisdom
> among cognition researchers."  Actually, the original
> facts were interpreted in a variety of ways, some of which
> strongly disagreed with T & K's original
> intepretation, just like this one you reference above.  The
> only thing that is conventional wisdom is that the topic
> exists, and is the subject of dispute.
> And, as many people know, I made the mistake of challenging
> Yudkowsky on precisely this subject back in 2006, when he
> wrote an essay strongly advocating T&K's original
> intepretation.  Yudkowsky went completely berserk, accused
> me of being an idiot, having no brain, not reading any of
> the literature, never answering questions, and generally
> being something unspeakably worse than a slime-oozing crank.
>  He literally wrote an essay denouncing me as equivalent to
> a flat-earth believing crackpot.
> When I suggested that someone go check some of his ravings
> with an outside authority, he banned me from his discussion
> list.
> Ah, such are the joys of being speaking truth to power(ful
> idiots).
> ;-)
> As far as this research goes, it sits somewhere down at the
> lower end of the available theories.  My friend Mike
> Oaksford in the UK has written several papers giving a
> higher level cognitive theory that says that people are, in
> fact, doing something like bayesian estimation when then
> make judgments.  In fact, people are very good at being
> bayesians, contra the loud protests of the I Am A Bayesian
> Rationalist crowd, who think they were the first to do it.
> Richard Loosemore

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