> From: Bob Mottram [mailto:fuzz...@gmail.com]
> 2009/1/12 Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org>:
> > AGI company A2I2 has released a product for automating call center
> > functionality
> We value your interest in our AGI related service.
> If you agree that AGI can have useful applications for call centres,
> press 1
> If our AGI repeatedly misinterprets your speech, because it was
> trained on an Australian accent where all statements actually sound
> like questions, press 2
> If you want to listen to some Dire Straits track which is quite good
> the first time but becomes increasingly annoying as it is played over
> and over again for ten minutes, press 3
> If you wish to be directly connected to our superintelligence, which
> often gives a cryptic reply before hanging up, press 4
> For all other enquiries, press 5 repeatedly in an infuriated manner.

Well when you press 4 to get to the superintelligence it's still some remote
person on the other side of the world but this time they're doing
text-to-speech that plays a semi-robotic voice, so technically it's still an
Artificial General Intelligence HAR HAR HAR just kidding...


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