One more thing. This "Smushaby of Flatway." It's creative - a creative -
arrgh I don't know the word for it - it's not a full pun, nevertheless a
novel double, if not quadruple entendre. - the sort of thing that Matt's
statistical NLP simply won't get at all - and a fascinating insight into how
the mind produces creative analogies, (and true AGI).
Your first analogy/ thesis, as I understand, was that all these AGI
approaches were actually producing rubbish/wrong answers which could be
compared analogically with smush that had to be cleared away, and this was
because they were following the Flat way, which can be interpreted as partly
"physically flat" and/or partly "musically flat/unpleasant sounding", which
in turn are analogical/metaphorical for the limited nature of those AGI
approaches. Actually I suggest you may have got that a bit wrong. It should
perhaps have been "Narrow Way" (although Flatway *sounds* aurally better,
which may be why you picked that instead) .
The reason is that this first analogy obviously implies another
counterpointed phrase/ analogy, namely The Lullaby of Broadway, which stands
for sweet music, and that is presumably meant as an analogy for the creative
harmonies you get when you follow the "broad way" (as opposed to narrow or
flat way) re AGI approaches - (an open range of approaches rather than a
restricted one).
So that was a very creative, if not quite fully achieved, quadruple
entendre - crossing and compressing (quite differently to Matt's sense)
several domains in a novel way - the kind that literary critics love, & can
write whole chapters on., but are utterly alien to logic - and which, I
suggest, was all there, give or take, in your brain, conscious or not.
And thats reveal one of the keys, (ho ho - geddit -Lullaby) to AGI -
namely, using concepts in an open broad way, so that they can embrace
MULTIPLE SIMULTANEOUS MEANINGS and thus cross-associate multiple domains.
Language's polysemy is central to AGI and domain-crossing.
But it's the complete reverse of logic and rationality and what Matt is
doing. Logic could neither have produced such creative
ambiguities/connections, nor understood them, nor evaluated them. In logic B
= B, it has only one meaning, and YKY wouldn't know what to do if it didn't.
In logic, a concept can have only one meaning. But in creative thinking and
problemsolving, a concept can have multiple cross-associated meanings
simultaneously - a B can in principle be a letter, a vitamin, an animal, a
grade and a verb all at the same time. And that is central to being
creative. Don't worry about it Matt. Just B a B.
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