What do you mean by definitive events?

I guess the first problem I see with my approach is that the movement of the
window is also a hypothesis. I need to analyze it in more detail and see how
the tree of hypotheses affects the hypotheses regarding the "e"s on the

What I believe is that these problems can be broken down into types of
hypotheses,  types of events and types of relationships. then those types
can be reasoned about in a general way. If possible, then you have a method
for reasoning about any object that is covered by the types of hypotheses,
events and relationships that you have defined.

How to reason about specific objects should not be preprogrammed. But, I
think the solution to this part of AGI is to find general ways to reason
about a small set of concepts that can be combined to describe specific
objects and situations.

There are other parts to AGI that I am not considering yet. I believe the
problem has to be broken down into separate pieces and understood before
putting it back together into a complete system. I have not covered
inductive learning for example, which would be an important part of AGI. I
have also not yet incorporated learned experience into the algorithm, which
is also important.

The general AI problem is way too complicated to consider all at once. I
simply can't solve hypothesis generation, comparison and disambiguation
while at the same time solving induction and experience-based reasoning. It
becomes unwieldly. So, I'm starting where I can and I'll work my way up to
the full complexity of the problem.

I don't really understand what you mean here: "The central unsolved problem,
in my view, is: How can hypotheses be conceptually integrated along with the
observable definitive events of the problem to form good explanatory
connections that can mesh well with other knowledge about the problem that
is considered to be reliable.  The second problem is finding efficient ways
to represent this complexity of knowledge so that the program can utilize it

You also might want to include concrete problems to analyze for your central
problem suggestions. That would help define the problem a bit better for


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Jim Bromer <jimbro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Jim Bromer <jimbro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Even if you refined your model until it was just right, you would have only
> caught up to everyone else with a solution to a narrow AI problem.
> I did not mean that you would just have a solution to a narrow AI problem,
> but that your solution, if put in the form of scoring of points on the basis
> of the observation *of definitive* events, would constitute a narrow AI
> method.  The central unsolved problem, in my view, is: How can hypotheses be
> conceptually integrated along with the observable definitive events of the
> problem to form good explanatory connections that can mesh well with other
> knowledge about the problem that is considered to be reliable.  The second
> problem is finding efficient ways to represent this complexity of knowledge
> so that the program can utilize it efficiently.
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