Mike Tintner wrote:
> The fantasy of a superAGI machine that can grow individually without a vast 
>society supporting it, is another one of the wild fantasies of AGI-ers 
>and Singularitarians that violate truly basic laws of nature. Individual 
>cannot flourish individually in the real world, only societies of brains (and 
>bodies) can.

I agree. It is the basis of my AGI design, to supplement a global brain with 
computers. http://mattmahoney.net/agi2.html

 -- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

From: Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>
To: agi <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Tue, July 20, 2010 1:50:45 PM
Subject: [agi] The Collective Brain


Good lecture worth looking at about how trade -  exchange of both goods and 
ideas - has fostered civilisation. Near the end  introduces a v. important idea 
- "the collective brain". In other words, our  apparently individual 
intelligence is actually a collective intelligence. Nobody  he points out 
actually knows how to make a computer mouse, although that may  seem 
counterintuitive  - it's an immensely complex piece of equipment,  simple as it 
may appear, that engages the collective,  interdependent intelligence and 
productive efforts of vast numbers of  people.
When you start thinking like that, you realise that  there is v. little we know 
how to do, esp of an intellectual nature,  individually, without the implicit 
and explicit collaboration of vast numbers of  people and sectors of society. 

The fantasy of a superAGI machine that can grow  individually without a vast 
society supporting it, is another one of the  wild fantasies of AGI-ers 
and Singularitarians that violate truly  basic laws of nature. Individual 
cannot flourish individually in the real  world, only societies of brains (and 
bodies) can. 

(And of course computers can do absolutely nothing  or in any way survive 
without their human masters - even if it may appear that  way, if you don't 
properly at their whole  operation)
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