Mike Tintner wrote

> You partly illustrate my point - you talk of "artificial brains" as if
> they actually exist

That's the magic of thinking in scenarios. For you it may appear as if
we couldn't differentiate between reality and a thought experiment.

> By implicitly pretending that artificial "brains" exist - in the form of
> computer programs -  you (and most AGI-ers), deflect attention away from
> all
> the unsolved dimensions of what is required for an independent
> brain-cum-living system, natural or artificial.

Then bring this topic up. But please in an educated way and not with
the same half-understanding of AGI and math you demonstrate here.
But to be honest I expect you to talk about this with your usual
misunderstandings and then wonder that nobody (positively) reacts on
that--and then you'll again run around and whine that we don't get it.

(And what's an artificial brain-cum-living system?)

> Yes you may know these things "some times" as you say, but most of the
> time
> they're forgotten.

There are other topics that often require more focus at this time.
People are working on details you usually don't understand and don't
care to understand.

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