On Sun, 14 Jun 2009, Alex Smith wrote:
>> I'll amend that; If elected, I pledge not to let material bribes made to
>> myself (or persons I specify) while I hold office (e.g. assets, votes on
>> proposals, props, or promises of same) affect whom I promote; I can
>> terminate this pledge if I am not elected, or during the next election for
>> this office.  -G.
> I call for judgement on the statement "G. made a pledge in the
> above-quoted message."
> Arguments: Is "If elected, I pledge" the same as "I pledge that, if
> elected" (adjusting for grammar)? Arguably, this attempted pledge wasn't
> created because it was an attempt to create a pledge in the future,
> rather than agree to one now.


Good question.  Nothing slippery here, I intended this to be a pledge now, 
but one that didn't have any effect on me if I was not elected.  So I
don't know if this is a pledge now (that just doesn't constrain me yet,
except for not letting me cancel it until the next election) or not-
yet-a-pledge at all (so I can somehow cancel it at the last minute for 
example).  I intended the former.  Or maybe it didn't work at all.  

I pledge (now) not to try to amend, cancel, or stop the above pledge
from taking effect in the event that I am elected, if it has not taken 
effect already.  This pledge ends 5 minutes after the current Grand 
Poobah election ends.


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