I claim a five shiny reward for this report. I claim a five shiny reward for publishing the Registrar's weekly report.

On 10/15/2017 03:39 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:

I resolve the decision(s) to adopt proposal(s) 7908-7921 below.


[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
 following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
 Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
 decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
 before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]

ID     Author(s)     AI   Title                        Pender Pend fee
7908*  G.            1.0  Silly season                 G. OP [1]
7909*  G.            1.2  No Lockout                   G. OP [1]
7910x  G.            1.0  What is a rulekeepor         G. OP [1]
7911*  V.J. Rada     1.0  Infinite Money Fix           V.J. Rada 1 sh.
7912*  Alexis        3.0  Election Campaigns           Alexis 1 AP [2]
7913*  ATMunn        1.0  Cheer Up v7?                 ATMunn 1 AP
7914*  o             1.0  SFDVP [3]                    o 1 AP
7915x  CuddleBeam    1.0  Terrifying Proposals Reward  CuddleBeam 1 AP
7916*  Aris, o, G.   1.0  Pro Pace v2                  Aris 1 AP
7917x  P.S.S. [4], o 3.0  Banking                      P.S.S. [4] 1 sh.
7918*  P.S.S. [4]    3.0  Vacant Deputisation Fix      P.S.S. [4] 1 AP
7919x  P.S.S. [4]    2.0  YSUIII. [5]                  P.S.S. [4] 1 AP
7920x  Gaelan, Aris  1.0  The Lint Screen v2           Gaelan 1 sh.
7921*  o, G.         2.0  Passive Income               o 1 AP
[1] Official Proposal, inherently pending
[2] There is some debate over whether this was actually pended twice, each
attempt consuming 1 AP. This value is therefore provisional.

|        | 7908 | 7909 | 7910 | 7911 | 7912 | 7913 | 7914 | 7915 | 7916 | 7917 | 7918 | 7919 | 7920 | 7921 | |--------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ |Alexis  | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    | A    | F    | A | F    | A    | F    | A    | A    | A    | |Aris    | F    | F    | A    | F    | A    | F    | F    | A | F    | A    | F    | A    | F    | F    | |ATMunn  | F    | P    | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    | F | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | |G.      | F    | F    | F    | F    | P    | F    | F    | A | P    | P    | F    | A    | A    | F    | |Gaelan  | F    | P    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | P | F    | P    | F    | A    | F    | F    | |nichdel | F    | P    | A    | F    | P    | A    | F    | A | P    | P    | P    | A    | P    | P    | |o       | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A | F    | P    | F    | A    | P    | F    | |PSS     | F    | F    | A    | F    | F    | F    | F    | A | F    | F    | F    | F    | A    | F    | |Trigon  | F    | F    | A    | F    | P    | F    | A    | A | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | F    | |VJ Rada | FF   | FF   | AA   | FF   | FF   | AA   | P    | | P | AA   | FF   |      | AA   | FF   | |--------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ |F/A     | 11/0 | 8/0  | 2/9  | 11/0 | 7/1  | 7/4  | 7/1  | 1/7 | 7/0  | 3/4  | 10/0 | 3/6  | 3/6  | 9/1  | |AI      | 1.0  | 1.2  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 3.0  | 1.0  | 1.0  | 1.0 | 1.0  | 3.0  | 3.0  | 2.0  | 1.0  | 2.0  | |V       | 10   | 10   | 10   | 10   | 10   | 10   | 10   | 9 | 10   | 10   | 10   | 9    | 10   | 10   | |Q       | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5 | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | 5    | |P       | T    | T    | F    | T    | T    | T    | T    | F | T    | F    | T    | F    | F    | T    |

The full text of each adopted proposal is included below.

ID: 7908
Title: Silly season
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.
Official Proposal

Re-enact Rule 1650 (Silliness) with the following text:

  Each Nomic Week a Player is designated the Silly Person.  The Silly Person   SHALL in that week, by announcement (1) designate another player, who has not   been the Silly Person in the past two weeks, to be the next week's Silly   Person; (2) submit a Silly Proposal.  If there is ever no Silly Person or the   Silly Person is not a player, then the next week's Silly Person is the first   player that any player publicly designates to be the next week's Silly Person.

  A Silly Proposal is a Proposal whose sole contents are one of
  the following:
    i) A limerick.
   ii) A rhymed poem no longer than fourteen lines. (No free
  iii) A joke of no more than a hundred words.
   iv) A truly hideous pun.

  The first Silly Proposal submitted by the week's Silly Person is an Official

[I want to reward the Silly Person a shiny, but we have that dumb limit that rewards can only be defined in R2445, and the Fearmongor rule may not allow me
to include other rules in the proposal].

[For Rulekeepor, given history of Rule 1650:
History: Enacted as MI=1 Rule 1650 by Proposal 2673, 26 September 1996
History: Repealed as Power=1 Rule 1650 by Proposal 3688
(Repeal-O-Matic), 21 February 1998

ID: 7909
Title: No Lockout
Adoption index: 1.2
Author: G.
Official Proposal

Repeal Rule 2458 (Invoking Lockout).

ID: 7911
Title: Infinite Money Fix
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: V.J. Rada

Amend rule 2496, "Rewards" by replacing
  "Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 shinies."

  "Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 shinies. This reward can only be   claimed once per office per week for a weekly report and once per office per
  month for a monthly report."

ID: 7912
Title: Election Campaigns
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Alexis

Text in square brackets in this proposal is only an annotation and this
Proposal's effect is as if that text were not included at all.

[Changes from the proto:
  - Added these annotations.
  - Reordered the rule changes to make a bit more sense.
  - Added the codification of the "you make it, you fill it" principle.
  - Made it so the current holder of an office can initiate an election
    for it by announcement.
  - Added provision for uncontested elections.
  - Increased pragmaticism.
  - Added essential parameters to Campaign Proposals.
  - A few other minor fixes.

Amend rule 1006 (Offices) by adding the following paragraph before the
final one:

  A holder of an elected office who did not become its holder by winning an   election, and has not won an election for that office since, is an interim   holder. An elected office that is either vacant or has an interim holder is an
  interim office.

[This definition is used in election initiations, below. Basically, an interim
holder is one who doesn't have a solid claim to hold onto the office, and
vacancy is included in the definition of an interim office to avoid righting "if the office's holder is interim or if the office is vacant" everywhere.]

Amend rule 1006 (Offices) by adding the following paragraph at the end:

  When a proposal takes effect and creates a new office, if the
  proposal does not specify otherwise, the author of that proposal
  becomes the holder of the office.

[This codifies the "If you make an office, it's your job to fill it if no-one else does." principle. Note that the holder of an office installed this way is

Enact a new rule entitled (Campaign Proposals, with power 3), reading as

  During the nomination period of an election, any candidate for that election
  CAN submit a Campaign Proposal for that election, provided e does not
  currently have a pending Campaign Proposal for that election, using the normal   mechanism for proposal submission. Campaign Proposals SHOULD relate to the   duties of the office up for election. Commitment is an untracked Campaign   Proposal switch with values Committed (default) and Uncommitted. The author
  of a Committed proposal may flip it to Uncommitted by announcement.

[A Campaign Proposal is basically an extension of a candidate's platform,
allowing them to propose changes to any office that they wish to associate with
their election.

Commitment is basically stating whether a candidate wishes to be elected only if their proposal passes. They can opt out of commitment, so that they can be elected if it fails. This allows a player to encode "I will take this office
only if I can change it in this fashion." into the election system.]

  A Campaign Proposal is an Official Proposal exempt from automatic
  distribution, and SHALL NOT be distributed as required by the rules.
  The election with which a Campaign Proposal is associated, as well as its
  Commitment, are essential parameters for an Agoran decision to adopt a
  Campaign Proposal.

[The election procedure dictates when Campaign Proposals should be
distributed; they don't follow the normal distribution system. They also
have some additional essential parameters, although note that a player
can opt out of Commitment even after the proposal is distributed.]

  When a Campaign Proposal is adopted, it CANNOT take effect until
  the associated election ends. When the election ends, if the winner was the
  proposal's author, then any player CAN once make it take effect by
  announcement (with its power set as usual for an adopted proposal). If the   conditions for a Campaign Proposal to take effect are met as a result of an   action in a public message, the author of the message SHALL make it take
  effect in that message.

[Campaign Proposals need to meet two requirements in order to take effect: their author must win the election and they must pass. The former is what ties
them to the election and allows candidates to safely submit conflicting
proposals. The latter is the safety guard (reinforced by rule 106 which
prevents non-adopted proposals from taking effect) to ensure that a
candidate can

This also means that voters can vote on the Campaign Proposals based on
whether or not they would be okay with the rule changes, knowing that
the actual choice of which one takes effect is dictated by the election

Requiring them to take effect by announcement is a safety guard to
ensure that they don't take effect with no one noticing. In practice,
the Assessor will nearly always do this in the same message as resolving
the decision (and the poll, if applicable), however.]

Amend rule 1607 (Distribution) by replacing
  "In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL, as part of eir weekly duties,
  distribute all pending proposals."
  "In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL, as part of eir weekly duties,   distribute all pending proposals except for those exempted from automatic
  distribution by other rules."

[This ensures that the Promotor isn't obligated to distribute Campaign
Proposals normally.]

Amend rule 2154 (Election Procedure) to read as follows:
  A player CAN initiate an election for a specified office:
      a) With 2 Support, if either the office is interim or the
         most recent election for that office was resolved more
         than 90 days prior, and provided that the initiator
         becomes a candidate in the same message.
      b) By announcement, if e is the ADoP and if the office is
         interim, or if e is the holder of that office.
  The above notwithstanding, an election for an office CANNOT be
  initiated if one is already in progress.

[This cleans up when elections can start. Basically, anyone can
challenge the existing officer if they are interim or if they have been
in their office for a long time; the ADoP can open an election for an
office that needs one; and the current officer can always open
competition for the office.]

  After an election is initiated and until nominations close, any player CAN   become a candidate by announcement. A candidate ceases to be a candidate if e   ceases to be a player during the election. An election is contested if it has   two or more candidates at the end of the nomination period, and uncontested   otherwise. For a contested election, nominations close at the end of the   poll's voting period. For an uncontested election, nominations close at the
  end of the nomination period.

[Players must explicitly opt-in to become candidates, and can do so up until
the winner is locked in, effectively.]

  When an election is initiated, it enters the nomination period,
  which lasts for 7 days. In a timely fashion after the nomination
  period ends, the ADoP CAN and SHALL, in the same message:
      1) If the election is contested, initiate an Agoran decision
         to select the winner of the election (the poll). For this
         decision, the Vote Collector is the Assessor, the valid
         options are the candidates for that election (including
         those who become candidates after its initiation), and the
         voting method is instant runoff.
      2) Distribute all pending Campaign Proposals associated
         with the election.
      3) If POSSIBLE per the following paragraph, end the election

[After the nomination period, the ADoP kicks off the election by both starting the election poll (if needed) and distributing its Campaign Proposals. The Assessor is the vote collector for the poll because that seemed less invasive
than forcing the ADoP to be vote collector for the proposals.]

  If at any point an uncontested election has a single candidate, and that   candidate either is not the author of a Committed Campaign Proposal for that   election or that proposal was adopted, then any player CAN declare them the
  winner of the election by announcement. If at any point an uncontested
  election has no candidates, or a single candidate who is the author of a   failed Committed Campaign Proposal for that election, then any player CAN   declare the election ended with no winner by announcement. The Assessor SHALL   do one or the other in the same message in which e resolves a decision to
  adopt a Campaign Proposal for an ongoing uncontested election.

[This paragraph is a bit of a doozy, but basically it means that uncontested elections work the way you think: if there are no candidates, they end, and if there is only won, they win. The complexity comes from the fact that if the one candidate has a Committed Proposal, then things must wait until it concludes, although they can flip it to Uncommitted and then end the election themselves.

No provision is made for contested elections where all but one candidate has dropped out, since I didn't want to have to write rules to allow cancellation
of Agoran decisions.]

  A poll CANNOT be resolved until the decisions to adopt all associated Campaign   Proposals are resolved. When resolving the poll, if a given candidate authored   one of the associated Campaign Proposals, that proposal is Committed, and it
  was not adopted, then that player is disqualified.

[This provides that a player with a Committed proposal that failed is
not permitted to win the election, as part the intent of Commitment.]

  When the poll is resolved, its outcome, if a player, wins the election. When   a player wins an election, e is installed into the associated office and the
  election ends.

Amend rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) by appending "The rule providing for an Agoran Decision by instant runoff may disqualify one or more options; in such a case, they are eliminated prior to beginning the first stage of the vote

[Enabling of disqualification.]

Amend rule 2138 (The Associate Director of Personnel) by replacing the
  2. The date on which the most recent election for each office
     was initiated.
  2. The current status of the ongoing election for that office
     or, if there is no ongoing election for that office, the
     date on which the last election ended
  3. For filled elected offices, whether or not the holder is

[Since the actually relevant date for election timing is when the most
recent election ended, not started, this changes the reporting to
the election has no candidates, end it per the following paragraph.account for that. Likewise, interim office-holders should be marked so it is easy to know
when elections can be started.]

Amend rule 2472 (Office Incompatibilities) by replacing "Promotor and
ADoP" with "Assessor and ADoP".

[The Promotor and ADoP don't interact at all, but now, the ADoP
distributes proposals. As a result, they should be kept apart from
Assessor for the same reason as Promotor.]

ID: 7913
Title: Cheer Up v7?
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: ATMunn

Create a power-1 rule titled "Emotions"
    Emotion is a player switch, tracked by the registrar, with possible values
    Joyous, Melancholy, and Indifferent, that defaults to Indifferent.

    At any time, any player CAN by announcement flip eir own Emotion to any     value it is currently not. When doing this, e MUST provide a reason as to
    why e changed eir Emotion as such. It is IMPOSSIBLE to change another
    player's Emotion. A player's Emotion has the following effects:

  Indifferent: No effect.
  Melancholy: Any player that is not currently Melancholy MAY pat any Melancholy   player on the back. Upon doing this, the Melancholy player is ENCOURAGED to
  change eir emotion to Joyous.
  Joyous: Any player that is Joyous is ENCOURAGED to pat Melancholy players on   the back. E is also ENCOURAGED to do other kind acts, such as paying shinies
  to other players or pending other players' proposals.

ID: 7914
Title: Stamp Floating Derived Value Patch
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: o

Amend rule 2498 (“Economic Wins”) by removing the paragraph that begins
“The Stamp Value is”.

ID: 7916
Title: Pro Pace v2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: o, G.

Amend the Rule entitled "Such is Karma", if there is such a rule, by replacing
every instance of the word "Eta" with the word "Gamma".

ID: 7918
Title: Vacant Deputisation Fix
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Replace the second item of the second numbered list of "Deputisation", with

the following:

  2. Either (i) A time limit by which the rules require the action to be
     performed has expired or (ii) the office is vacant.

ID: 7921
Title: Passive Income
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: o
Co-authors: G.

Create a new rule, titled "Distributing Assets", with power 1, whose text is

  To “distribute” a quantity of a fungible asset to a set of recipients is to   transfer one instance of that asset at a time to the recipient that owns   the least number of instances of that asset, until either no more instances   of the asset are eligible to be distributed, or the number of instances so   transferred equals the quantity to be distributed. If, when distributing a   specific asset, two or more recipients each own the least number of instances   of that asset, then the recipient that most recently became eligible to own
  the asset SHALL receive the asset being distributed.

Create a rule, titled "Passive Income", with power 2, whose text is

  The Tax Rate is a singleton natural switch which can take values between 0   and 100, inclusive, tracked by the Secretary. The Tax Rate has a default
  value of 50.

  Whenever Agora receives Shinies from another owner other than itself, the   Secretary CAN cause Agora to distribute a percentage of that payment equal
  to the Tax Rate to all players, and SHALL do so in a timely fashion. As
  part of eir weekly duties, the Secretary SHALL do so for all payments to
  Agora that have not yet been distributed.


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