I submit the following proposal, and pend it for 1 AP.

Title: It's death _and_ taxes
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Lines beginning with hashmarks ("#") and comments in square brackets ("[]")
have no effect on the behavior of this proposal. They are not part of any rules
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have been removed before its resolution.

[I have yet to hear a reason why we can't have both supply reform and
spending reform. It's true that too much taxation will stop all accumulation,
but my proposal should hopefully just provide another incentive to spend.
Frankly, while giving money meaning and giving people something to spend on
are nice, it's also important that people get paid. I've dropped the inactivity
tax from this proposal.]

Enact a rule, entitled "Taxes", power = 1.0, with the following text:

  The tax rate is a singleton switch, with possible values of integers between
  0 and 25 (default 10). The tax rate can be set to any possible value in a
  regulation promulgated by the Treasuror.

  An entity's tax amount is, at any given time, (max(ceil(T% of (S - 10)), 0)),
  where max is the maximum of its inputs, ceil is the operation of rounding up
  to the nearest integer, T is the tax rate, and S is that entity's shiny

  A taxable entity is any entity that possesses shinies, except for Agora
  and contracts exempt for sustenance payments.

  The Treasuror CAN, once per Agoran month, collect taxes by announcement.
  E SHALL do so in the first week of each Agoran month. When taxes are
  collected, for each taxable entity, that entity's tax amount in shinies is
  transferred to Agora.

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