On Sun, 2017-10-29 at 01:57 +0000, Alexis Hunt wrote:
> Proposal: A Most Ingenious Paradox (AI=1.7)

I'd recommend reintroducing the old requirement that the CFJ must be on
the subject of whether an action is possible or legal (or if you want
to mix it up a bit while still achieving the same basic goal, require
the CFJ to be about recordkeepor information). That way, the paradox
has to "leak into" the gamestate to work. I'd also recommend adding a
second requirement that the paradox not be about which judgements for a
CFJ are appropriate (this shuts down most of the uninteresting paradox
attempts I've seen).

I'd also recommend, instead of banning paradoxes that "arise from the
case itself" (which is far too prone to rules lawyering), require the
paradox to occur /before/ the case is initiated (equivalently, the CFJ
to talk about a past gamestate). Again, that's just for making
something subjective more objective.


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