I also pend the below with shinies (I think I may have already used both of my 
AP, but I'm not sure)

On 11/5/2017 6:40 PM, ATMunn wrote:
I just realized something...
On October 30, I made a proposal to fix my Medals of Honour proposal. I was 
going to CoE this because it's not here but...
I tried to find the message, and found it, but apparently something happened 

So that's fun.

I submit the following proposal:

Title: "Medals of Honour Fix"
AI: 1
Author: ATMunn

If there is a rule entitled "Medals of Honour", and it contains the phrase "In the 7 days of 
an Agoran month", then amend that rule by replacing that phrase with "In the first 7 days of an 
Agoran month"

On 11/5/2017 4:24 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 6.0 and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote, as are valid conditional votes).

ID     Author(s)      AI   Title                        Pender      Pend fee
7957*  G.             1.0  Random Irony                 G.          OP [1]
7958*  G.             2.0  Succession Planning          G.          OP [1]
7959*  Telnaior       3.0  Deregistration Fix           Telnaior    1 AP
7960*  V.J. Rada      2.0  Community Chest Repeal II    V.J. Rada   2 sh.
7961*  G.             1.0  Fear less                    G.          1 AP

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID    Author(s)     AI   Title
pp1   Alexis        1.7  A Most Ingenious Paradox

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.

[1] Official Proposal, inherently pending

A proposal may be pended for 1 AP, or for 1/20th the Floating Value
in shines (see the Treasuror's report).

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 7957
Title: Random Irony
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Repeal Rule 2505 (Random Choices).

ID: 7958
Title: Succession Planning
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by replacing:

   The holder of an elected office CAN resign it by announcement, causing
   it to become vacant.


   The holder of an elected office CAN resign it by announcement, causing
   it to become vacant.  The non-interim holder of an elected office CAN,
   With 3 Support, resign the office while appointing another player to
   become the holder of the office, provided that other player is one of
   the Supporters.

ID: 7959
Title: Deregistration Fix
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Telnaior

Amend Rule 869 ("How to Join and Leave Agora", power 3) as follows:
   Modify the string "If a player has not sent a message to a public forum in 
   last month, then any player CAN deregister em without objection."
   "If a player has not sent a message to a public forum in the last month,
   then any player CAN deregister em with 3 Agoran Consent."

ID: 7960
Title: Community Chest Repeal II
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: V.J. Rada

Repeal rule 2508, "Community Chest"
Amend rules 2510 "Such is Karma" and 2511 "Karmic Balance" in numerical order by
replacing any instances of the phrases "the Community Chest" and "The
Community Chest" with the word "Agora".

ID: 7961
Title: Fear less
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Repeal Rule 2309 (The Propose-O-Matic).

[It's a bit of a fun thing when the game is slow, but otherwise just
adds some noise, and plenty of us are looking at the past for things
to re-enact without it].

ID: pp1
Title: A Most Ingenious Paradox
Adoption index: 1.7
Author: Alexis

Text in square brackets is not a part of this proposal and has no

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Win by Paradox":

   If a CFJ has been assigned a judgment of PARADOXICAL continuously
   for at least 7 days, and e has not done so already in respect of
   that CFJ, then that case's initiator CAN, by announcement, win the

   A player who wins in this fashion SHOULD submit a proposal to
   prevent the paradox from arising again.

Amend rule 591 by replacing:

   The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
   the truth or falsity of the statement at the time the inquiry case
   was initiated (if its truth value changed at that time, then its
   initial truth value is used):


   The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
   the facts and legal situation at the time the inquiry case was
   initiated, not taking into account any events since that time:

[This is to prevent changing facts not related to truth or falsity, e.g.
availability of information, from affecting outcomes.]

and by replacing:

   * DISMISS, appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable,
   if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with
   reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be
   answered with another valid judgement.


   * DISMISS, appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable,
   if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with
   reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be
   answered with another valid judgement. DISMISS is not
   appropriate if PARADOXICAL is appropriate.

and by appending to the end:

   * PARADOXICAL, appropriate if the statement is logically
     undecidable as a result of a paradox or or other irresovable
     logical situation. PARADOXICAL is not appropriate if IRRELEVANT
     is appropriate, nor is it appropriate if the undecidability
     arises from the case itself.

[The reference to IRRELEVANT is to prevent multiple wins from the same


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