(unofficial) CoE: the "new contract" between nch and I doesnt exist as we
both agreed to repeal it.

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 2:38 AM ATMunn via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> [unfortunately, the web report isn't quite ready yet, but it will be
> soon]
> As per my duties as Notary, I publish the following as my weekly report:
>    ████████ ██   ██ ███████   ███   ██  █████  ████████ ███████  ██████
>       ██    ██   ██ ██        ████  ██ ██   ██    ██    ██      ██
>       ██    ███████ █████     ██ ██ ██ ██   ██    ██    █████    █████
>       ██    ██   ██ ██        ██  ████ ██   ██    ██    ██           ██
>       ██    ██   ██ ███████   ██   ███  █████     ██    ███████ ██████
>                       -~= Notary's weekly report =~-
> ========================================================================
> All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
> Time (UTC).
> Date of last report: 22 Jun 2020
> Date of this report: 29 Jun 2020
> Abbreviations used in this report:
> -------------------
> P.S.S.   |   Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> CB       |   Cuddlebeam
> con.     |   contract
> -------------------
> If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
> displayed in this report.
> ========================================================================
> ======================= SHORT LIST OF CONTRACTS ========================
> ========================================================================
>           Title                                           Parties
> "The Dragon Corporation"                          Aris, Jason, Falsifian
> "GRBaSTttPF"[1]                         Gaelan, twg, Warrigal, Falsifian
> "Needlessly Abstract Exchange"                nch, P.S.S., ATMunn, Jason
> "The Mystical Menagerie"                                      Cuddlebeam
> "Humble Agoran Moral Tripwire"                                Cuddlebeam
> "TPP"[2]                 CB, nch, R. Lee, P.S.S., Bögtil, Jason, ... [3]
> "DracoLotto"                              Aris, R. Lee, Falsifian, Jason
> "AAA"[4]                                      Jason, P.S.S., R. Lee, nch
> "LoAFER"[5]                        Trigon, Jason, R. Lee, ATMunn, P.S.S.
> "Co Dependents"                                              nch, R. Lee
> "Cuddlebeam's Locker"                                         Cuddlebeam
> "Card Collective Contract, Agoran"                        Murphy, R. Lee
> "Contract No. 1: GIFT"                                            Trigon
> "Contract No. 2: POEM"                                            Trigon
> "Contract No. 3: CARD"                                            Trigon
> "Contract No. 4: SURE"                                            Trigon
> "Contract No. 5: DECK"                                            Trigon
> "Contract No. 6: BOON"                                            Trigon
> "SEAMSTRESS"[6]                                       Trigon, nch, Jason
> "Dragon QuickExchange"                                         Falsifian
> "New contract"                                               R. Lee, nch
> "Obstruction"                                                        omd
> "Obstruction 2: Electric Boogaloo"                                R. Lee
> "SNOCS"[7]                                           omd, ATMunn, R. Lee
> "Dragon Political Outreach"                                    Falsifian
> [1] Gaelan's Really Bad At Sending Things To The Public Forum
> [2] The Plunder Partnership
> [3] Also Falsifian, Aris, ATMunn
> [4] The Agoran Arbitration Association
> [5] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
> [6] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
> Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
> [7] Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets
> ========================================================================
> ========================================================================
> ================== FULL TEXT AND HISTORY OF CONTRACTS ==================
> ========================================================================
> The following 25 contracts exist:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Dragon Corporation"  (revision 2)
> Parties: Aris, Jason, Falsifian
> ----------
> ## Bylaw 1: Definition
> This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
> Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its
> shareholders.
> All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
> does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.
> Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
> contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
> ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
> share is known as a shareholder.
> If, at any time, the Dragon Corporation or the Lost and Found Department
> owns any shares, then those shares are destroyed.
> Any person CAN, by announcement, become a party to this contract or
> cease to be a party to this contract. A shareholder who is a party to
> this contract is known as a member.
> Wherever this contract states that an entity becomes a party to this
> contract or ceases to be a party to this contract, all parties to this
> contract are considered to consent to this change.
> ## Bylaw 2: Proposals
> Any member CAN, by announcement, submit a Corporate Proposal. A
> Corporate Proposal must have exactly one of the types defined by this
> contract. Thereafter, any member CAN vote FOR or AGAINST that proposal
> by announcement, or retract such a vote, which causes the vote to become
> null and void. Whenever a member votes, all of eir previous votes on the
> same proposal are implicitly retracted.
> If a Corporate Proposal was submitted fewer than 21 days ago and has
> approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the proposal has not been
> applied, then any member may, by announcement, apply the proposal, which
> has effects as defined in other bylaws.
> Members SHALL NOT submit, vote for, or apply proposals that are
> egregiously unfair to other shareholders (such as a proposal which takes
> or revokes shares from minority shareholders without just compensation).
> ## Bylaw 3: Amendment Proposals
> An Amendment Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. An Amendment
> Proposal has approval if it was submitted more than 4 days ago, at least
> one member has voted FOR it, and the number of shares owned by members
> who have voted FOR it is at least 2 times the number of shares owned by
> members who have voted AGAINST it.
> When an Amendment Proposal is applied, the following occur:
> 1. Each party to this contract who has not consented to the application
> of the proposal ceases to be a party to this contract. A party who has
> voted FOR a proposal consents to the application of that proposal,
> unless e has publicly stated otherwise at or after the time at which e
> voted FOR it.
> 2. This contract is modified as described in the proposal.
> However, the application of an Amendment Proposal is INEFFECTIVE unless,
> in the same message, the entity who applies the proposal also publishes
> a text which is labeled as being the text of this contract after the
> application. E SHOULD, at that point, publish intent to ratify that text
> without objection.
> ## Bylaw 4: Ordinary Proposals
> An Ordinary Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. A player is
> Unsupportive of an Ordinary Proposal if e eir current vote is AGAINST,
> or if e has no current vote and the proposal was submitted fewer than 4
> days ago. An Ordinary Proposal has approval if the number of shares
> owned by members voting FOR it is greater than the number of
> Unsupportive players.
> When an Ordinary Proposal is applied, assets are created, destroyed,
> and/or transferred as described in the proposal; and entities may
> create, destroy, and/or transfer assets as permitted in the proposal.
> Such permission expires 30 days after the proposal is applied.
> After an Ordinary Proposal is applied, the person who applied it SHOULD
> publish a description of its effects in a timely fashion, including all
> balances of assets defined by this contract which were affected by the
> proposal.
> ## Bylaw 5: Bonds and Banknotes
> Perpetual Dragon bonds (hereinafter "bonds") are a currency. Banknotes
> are a currency.
> At the beginning of each Agoran quarter, each entity is awarded a number
> of banknotes equal to the number of bonds that e owns.
> If an entity owns a banknote, e CAN redeem the banknote by transferring
> 1 coin from the Dragon Corporation to emself; the banknote is then
> destroyed.
> ## Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping
> If a party to this contract owns more shares than any other party to
> this contract, then that party becomes the President of the Dragon
> Corporation, if e is not already the President. The former President
> SHALL publicly inform the new President of this event in a timely
> fashion.
> The President is the recordkeepor of all assets defined by this
> contract, except those for which this contract specifies a different
> recordkeepor.
> ## Bylaw 7: IPO
> Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity CAN pay a
> fee of 10 coins or 10 banknotes to the Dragon Corporation to buy a
> share. When e does this, e is awarded 1 share.
> Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity who owns at
> least 1 share may sell the share by announcement. When e does this, the
> share is destroyed and e is awarded 5 banknotes.
> ----------
> History:
> Mar 01 2020: contract created by Warrigal
> Mar 03 2020: contract amended by Warrigal as only party
> May 14 2020: Jason Cobb became a party
> May 14 2020: Aris became a party
> May 17 2020: Falsifian became a party
> May 24 2020: contract amended by Aris via contract's procedures
> May 24 2020: Warrigal ceased to be a party due to contract's provisions
> Jun 02 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
> Jun 25 03:33 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
> Jun 25 03:33 2020: Aris ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
> Jun 25 21:34 2020: Aris became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Gaelan's Really Bad At Sending Things To The Public Forum" (inital
>                                                               revision)
> Parties: Gaelan, twg, Warrigal, Falsifian
> ----------
> Any person may become a party of this contract to act on Gaelan’s behalf
> as described below.
> Any person may act on Gaelan’s behalf to perform a series of actions,
> subject to the following conditions:
> * Gaelan attempted to perform those exact actions (verbatim) in a
>     message to a discussion forum
> * The message to the discussion forum occurred within the past 24 hours
> * Gaelan's message was clearly an attempt to perform actions by sending
>     a message to a public forum (and, specifically, it was not labelled as
>     a draft of a later public action, such as a “proto” proposal)
> * No actions have been performed by Gaelan, or on eir behalf, after
>     the message to the discussion forum
> Gaelan may terminate this contract at any time, by announcement.
> ----------
> History:
> Jan 08 2020: contract created by twg, Gaelan became a party
>   (see CFJ 3791)
> Jan 24 2020: Warrigal became a party
> Mar 01 2020: Falsifian became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Needlessly Abstract Exchange" (revision 2)
> Parties: nch, P.S.S., ATMunn, Jason
> ----------
> Contract: Needlessly Abstract Exchange
> PART I: Definitions
> The Needlessly Abstract Exchange (also known as NAX) is a contract which
> facilitates trading among Agorans by providing a fair third party to
> manage assets mid-trade.
> Any party to this contract is a trader. Any player CAN become or cease
> to be a party to this contract by announcement.
> The Exchange Manager is a title belonging to a specific trader. If there
> is no Exchange Manager or the Exchange Manager would be an entity that
> is not a trader, the entity that has been a trader for the longest
> (continuously) becomes the Exchange Manager.
> The Purse is an integer. If the value of The Purse is indeterminate or
> ambiguous, it becomes 0.
> An Order represents a trade. Orders have a Creater, a Fulfiller, Goods,
> Fullfillment Conditions, and may have an Expiration Condition (if none
> is specified, an order has no Expiration Condition). Goods is a list of
> assets, and Fulfillment Conditions can be any text that describes or
> could at some point describe any combination of assets, actions, or
> other conditions. Orders may be closed, pending, or open and are open
> when created.
> PART II: The Trading Fee, Order Creation, and Order Fulfillment
> For every order a trader Creates or Fulfills, e must first pay 1 coin to
> this contract (not as part of an order creation or fulfillment) in the
> same message; otherwise it is INEFFECTIVE. For every coin paid to the
> contract this way the Purse is increased by 1.
> Any trader CAN create an order by transferring any (non-zero) number of
> assets to this contract, specifying Fulfillment Conditions, and
> optionally specifying Expiration Conditions. E becomes the Creator of
> the order, and all assets paid become the Goods of the order.
> Any trader CAN fulfill a specified open order by announcement, and by
> additionally transferring any number of assets to the contract,
> specifying any actions e does in the same message, and specifying any
> other evidence e has successfully fulfilled the order. The order becomes
> pending and e becomes the Fulfiller of the order.
> PART III: Resolving Orders
> For each pending order, the Exchange Manager CAN and SHALL, in a timely
> fashion and by announcement, declare the fulfillment Successful or
> Unsuccessful. E SHALL only declare the fulfillment Successful if e
> believes the Fulfillment Conditions have been met and SHALL NOT declare
> the Unsuccessful unless e believes the Fulfillment Conditions have not
> been met.
> When the Exchange Manager declares a fulfillment Successful, e CAN and
> SHALL transfer the Goods of the order from this contract to the
> Fulfiller and transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract
> as part of the fulfillment to the Creater of the order. The order
> becomes closed.
> When the Exchange Manager declares a fulfillment Unsuccessful, e CAN and
> SHALL transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract as part
> of the fulfillment to the Fulfiller. E CAN also transfer 1 coin from
> this contract to the Fulfiller; if e does so the Purse is decreased by
> 1. When the Exchange Manager declares a fulfillment unsuccessful. the
> order becomes open.
> PART IV: Annulling and Refunding Orders
> To annul an order is to transfer all Goods from the order to its
> creater. When an order is annulled it becomes closed. Only an open order
> can be annulled.
> To refund an order is to annul an order and to transfer 1 coin from this
> contract to the order's creater. When an order is refunded the Purse is
> decreased by 1.
> The Exchange Manager CAN annul an order by announcement when it would be
> impossible to ever fulfill the order or when the expiration conditions
> of the order have been met.
> The Exchange Manager CAN refund an order:
> * whenever that order could be annulled. E SHOULD do this instead of
> just annul if e believes the order contains an error, such as a typo or
> misunderstanding of the contract or rules.
> * if the Creater of the order has made more than 2 orders in the last 7
> days or the order is more than 30 days old.
> Whenever an order can be annulled, the Exchange Manager SHALL in a
> timely fashion either annul or refund the order.
> PART V: NAX Reports
> Once a week the Exchange Manager SHALL publish a report. This report
> SHALL contain a list of any outstanding orders and a list of any orders
> that have closed in the last week. If it has been more than a week since
> the last NAX report, this report SHOULD contain all orders that have
> closed since the last such report. When e publishes such a report, e CAN
> transfer X coins from this contract to emself, where X is the current
> value of the purse. When e does so, the purse becomes 0.
> PART VI: Election and Management
> Any trader may elect any other trader to be the Exchange Manager,
> replacing the current Exchange Manager, with X support where X is 1 more
> than half (rounded up) of the number of traders.
> The Exchange Manager CAN cap any trader who has created more than 2
> orders in the last 7 days by announcement. A trader who has been capped
> CANNOT create new orders for 7 days from when e made eir last order.
> PART VII: Self Amendment
> Any trader CAN change the text of the contract by announcement if e has
> specified in an earlier message (published to a public Agoran forum) the
> exact changes to make to the contract and has received explicit consent
> (published to a public Agoran forum) to these changes from at least 1
> more than half, rounded down, of all traders.
> PART VIII: Cleaning Messes
> If this contract owns an asset not associated with an order, the
> exchange manager CAN transfer that asset to the entity who transferred
> the asset to the contract. If the entity that did so cannot own the
> asset, e CAN transfer it to the Lost and Found Department.
> ----------
> History:
> 03 Jun 2020: nch destroyed precursor contract
> 03 Jun 2020: contract created by nch
> 03 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 03 Jun 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 06 Jun 2020: contract amended by nch with consent from all parties
>               [change: bugfixing]
> 07 Jun 2020: contract amended by nch with consent from all parties
>               [change: improved amendment procedures]
> 12 Jun 2020: Jason became a party
> 13 Jun 2020: contract amended by nch by contract's own amendment process
>               [change: fixing fulfillment and mess cleaning]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Mystical Menagerie" (revision 1)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> - humble agoran occult shop -
> Any player can Purchase a Product by announcement and transferring the
> price of that Product to Cuddlebeam. Doing so creates an instance of that
> Product in their ownership.
> Mystical Items, Spells and Tarot Cards are Products. The effects they
> deliver are mystical in nature. Cuddlebeam is the only party to this
> Contract.
> A Mystical Item is a destructible asset that can be owned by any Player.
> The following are the Mystical Items, their emoji representation, their
> price in coins, and their mystical abilities.
> 📜Scam Protection Charm [5 Coins]
> This powerful seal inscribed by ancient monks contains a powerful astral
> spell that will protect yourself and your assets from all scams.
> 📿Pendant of Proposalling [5 Coins]
> An amulet made out of beads, each with a 'FOR' magically written on them in
> an arcane language, it will improve your changes of your Proposals gaining
> FORs and lessen the chance of AGAINSTs.
> 💎Crystal of Fortune [5 Coins]
> A rare mystical mineral which has been distilled from the very essence of
> past agoran economic systems, legend has it that you can see the rules of
> them in its reflection. Its mystical power will increase your overall coin
> gains.
> 🍂Incense of Insight [5 Coins]
> Leaves from a special humble agoran plant which has been watered with the
> sweat of the brow of Judges, these powerful and entirely bio-friendly
> artifacts will exude a constant, mystical, abstract, platonic odor which
> will improve the chances that your arguments strike true and it may even
> increase your IQ. A Player who owns this item can Inhale it by
> announcement, which destroys it and produces its mystical effects upon
> themselves.
> [More to come]
> Spells are destructible assets that can be owned by any Player. Cuddlebeam
> can Fulfill a Spell by announcement along mystical actions. Once Fulfilled,
> the Spell is destroyed and its mystical effects will then benefit its owner
> as described. The following are the Spells, their emoji representation,
> their price in coins, and their mystical abilities.
> 🧄 Scam Banishment Ritual [30 Coins]
> A powerful rite which, when applied, it will mystically remove scams
> present in a certain document by purifying it of evil, serving as an extra
> safeguard against any possible rule-lawyering and legal debauchery. Can be
> purchased and applied multiple times to further strengthen its purifying
> effect.
> 🕺 Powerful Dance (General Blessing) [50 Coins]
> By the power of dancing a powerful dance, a certain document or action is
> mystically empowered with positive energy to have more possibilities to
> have a positive effect for you.
> 🔥 Scam Summoning Ritual [not for sale]
> [More to come]
> Agoran Tarot Cards (synonymous with "Tarot Cards") are destructible assets
> that can be owned by any Player. Cuddlebeam can Fortunetell a Tarot Card by
> announcement and revealing the original text of its associated hash, which
> will be the mystical fortune that awaits their owner. Doing so does the
> following:
> - It destroys that Tarot Card
> - It then amends this contract to remove its individual listing from this
> contract (and only its individual listing).
> Cuddlebeam is ENCOURAGED to replace Tarot Card listings destroyed in this
> way with a new Tarot Card, so that there are always 12 Tarot Cards listed.
> All Agoran Tarot Cards have a price of 10 Coins. The following are the
> Tarot Cards, and their hash:
> 652218cb9d3808963cd292505b02c6ac9f7824ccbf7a43dfa7ccc4579a67c13d
> ba7d2bbd8346b04912d2c03d6e87fdc92f7e75a059ed6b46926ee06715a0fb29
> 98c01fe481e9b608cdb325076d6c5dee55d99db64197c6eb65cbff3fff48e15c
> f99b0a6ab2884a76f94d777c256b65fe200eca6b2a4465c83c24c7e86bb3627c
> b2fc804a655e9f0a147e4271919c8c8cf4cd2eaacfbcf9c0d5c40ca7de8982a0
> 921d69ebf5ccd4687b1c31ce298b2bc19fcd4496d285cd3c25389869a4bde210
> 9fb888b1f01e2f96b742256fcf9d63d2c7d763cf03df1ca7b971716e89da74e0
> fcfa13ada3e1854c7c1d213920d5069345ea1e1d06d60e87fb3913f41b88b73e
> d8c8ad3c35308fb8412a94e4853cad67225c8bb547605b24c8496c4cf658118c
> 9da4d0c5cf65286757f14dc2310ecdce3f0ed88305e145ba27bb6885a23c7bc6
> 497f1705ebcede5576614a28dd305343c3dd939df63d6cab28bada445a8af181
> 44919929ad1ec33a0132c42deee234f50d7a7b6b78517a83247c01a75478f51f
> ----------
> History:
> 08 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 09 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Humble Agoran Moral Tripwire" (revision 1)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> The agglomerate formed by Cuddlebeam's Master Switch and Agora’s Ruleset,
> with the name of 'Bazinga', is defined to be the Bazinga entity. And, of
> course, there is only one Bazinga.
> The Bazinga is a destructible asset that can only be owned by Cuddlebeam
> and is owned by Cuddlebeam.
> The Bazinga is destroyed whenever any event described in the Big Evil List
> happens.
> The Big Evil List is:
> - Cuddlebeam’s Karma lowers
> - Cuddlebeam gains a Blot
> - Someone casts a vote of anything other than FOR, on any of Cuddlebeam’s
> Proposals that have their title in all capital letters.
> - Someone other than Cuddlebeam performs a scam
> - Someone other than Cuddlebeam uses the trick involving Rule 2617 and/or
> Rule 1698 that this contract employs.
> - This Contract ceases to exist by means other than Cuddlebeam’s own
> Proposals.
> - This Contract is amended by means other than Cuddlebeam’s own actions.
> - Cuddlebeam ceases to be a Player.
> ----------
> History:
> 11 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Plunder Partnership" (revision 4)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam, nch, R. Lee, P.S.S., Bögtil, Jason, Falsifian,
> Aris, ATMunn
> ----------
> The Plunder Partnership
> 🏴‍☠️ WHO WE BE
> The Plunder Partnership is also known as the Plundership. A party to this
> contract is known as a Pirate. Any person who is not in Davy Jones’ Locker
> can become a Pirate by announcement. Any Pirate can make themselves cease
> to be one by announcement.
> Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins to the Plundership
> are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in Davy Jones’ Locker cannot become a
> Pirate, and they immediately cease to be a Pirate if they already were one.
> Doubloons are a destructible asset that can only belong to Pirates. When an
> amount of coins is transferred to the Plundership, each Pirate gains an
> amount of Doubloons equal to the amount transferred divided by the amount
> of Pirates, rounded down. A Pirate with at least 1 Doubloon can transfer 1
> coin to themselves from the Plundership. Doing so destroys 1 Doubloon in
> their possession.
> 🏴‍☠️ PARLEY
> Any Pirate can propose a Parley by announcement, which describes amendments
> to this contract. If a Parley was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least
> 2/3rds (rounded up) of all Pirates consent to its contents, and it has not
> yet been applied, then any Pirate can apply it by announcement, causing
> this contract to be amended according to it.
> ----------
> History:
> 12 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
> 12 Jun 2020: nch became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: Bögtil became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: G. became a party
> 12 Jun 2020: Jason became a party
> 13 Jun 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 16 Jun 20:17 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam
> 16 Jun 20:18 2020: P.S.S. became a party [1]
> 16 Jun 20:18 2020: Jason became a party [1]
> 17 Jun 00:42 2020: R. Lee became a party [1]
> 19 Jun 01:27 2020: Falsifian became a party [1]
> 21 Jun 06:30 2020: Aris became a party
> 22 Jun 01:01 2020: ATMunn became a party
> [1] Due to CFJ 3850 being judged TRUE, these players were already
> parties to the contract.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "DracoLotto" (revision 1)
> Parties: Aris, R. Lee, Falsifian, Jason
> ----------
> DracoLotto
> This is a contract, which any player CAN join by announcement and any party
> apart from the Administrator CAN leave by announcement.
> --SETUP--
> The Administrator is Aris.
> Pools are sets of assets. The following are Pools, known as Primary Pools,
> and their associated assets:
> - Victory Pool - Victory Cards and Victory Points
> - Justice Pool - Justice Cards and Blot-B-Gones
> - Legislative Pool - Legislative Cards and Pendants
> - Voting Pool - Voting Cards and Extra Votes
> In addition, the House Pool is a Pool.
> For each Primary Pool, there is an untracked natural player switch called
> <POOLNAME> Contribution. A player with a positive contribution to a Pool
> is a
> Contributor to that pool.
> Before the Pools close:
> When this contract receives an asset associated with a Pool, it goes into
> that Pool. When this contract receives an asset not associated with any
> pool, it goes into the House Pool.
> When a player transfers this contract a Card in the same thread
> in which this contract was created, eir Contribution for the associated
> pool increases by 1.
> After the Pools close:
> When this contract receives an asset, it goes into the House Pool.
> Resolving a Primary Pool means performing the following algorithm (the
> steps that are not performed by the Administrator happen automatically
> on the completion of the previous step):
> 1. The Administrator transfers all cards in the pool to emself from this
>     contract, by announcement.
> 2. The Administrator pays the cards as the minimum possible number of sets
>     to gain the associated products, which are then placed into the pool.
> 3. Let M equal the number of sets from the previous step that were of
> greater
>     than size 1.
> 4. The Administrator transfers all assets in the pool back to the contract.
> 5. The Administrator transfers to each Contributor associated products
>     equal to their Contribution from this contract by announcement,
>     removing the products from the pool.
> 6. M associated products are transferred from the pool to the House Pool,
>     removing them from the pool.
> 7. The Administrator transfers each asset remaining in the pool to a
> randomly
>     chosen Contributor from this contract by announcement, where each
>     Contributor's probability of receiving it is proportional to eir
>     contribution.
> The Pools are open for four days after this contract comes into existence;
> thereafter, the Administrator CAN close them With 1 Hour Notice, and
> SHALL do so within 48 hours.
> When the Pools close, the Administrator CAN and SHALL, in order:
> 1. Resolve each Primary Pool.
> 2. Select one individual asset from the House Pool and transfer it to
> emself
>     by announcement, removing it from the House Pool.
> 3. Transfer each asset remaining in the House Pool to the Dragon
> Corporation,
>     removing it from the House Pool.
> After the previous steps have been completed, the Administrator CAN and
> with notice, Wind Up this contract, causing it to cease to exist.
> The Speaker CANNOT object to any action defined in this section.
> This contract is to be interpreted equitably, in accordance with the
> manifest
> intent of its parties. The Administrator shall have the discretion to
> reasonably
> interpret this contract to ensure its smooth operation. A mistake on the
> part of the Administrator shall not prevent the algorithms specified by
> this contract from proceeding.
> This contract CAN be amended by the Administrator without objection from
> its
> parties.
> ----------
> History:
> 12 Jun 2020: contract created by Aris
> 12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Aris as only party
> 13 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 13 Jun 2020: Falsifian became a party
> 13 Jun 2020: Jason became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parties: Jason, P.S.S., R. Lee, nch
> ----------
> This contract is known as the Agoran Arbitration Association, or as AAA.
> The purpose of this contract is to provide independent dispute
> resolution services for other contracts.
> A contract is opted-in to AAA if:
> - all of its members are party to this contract;
> - it specifies that all of its members consent to being party to this
> contract; and,
> - it contains phrasing that requires all of its members to be parties to
> this contract.
> Each party to this contract consents to each other party acting on eir
> behalf to create blots when explicitly and unambiguously authorized by
> this contract.
> Any player CAN become party to this contract by announcement. Any party
> to this contract CAN cease being party to this contract if: (1) e is not
> party to an opted-in contract and (2) e has not ceased being party to
> any contract within the past 14 days.
> The Head Arbitrator is the person who is party to this contract who has
> been party to this contract for the longest continuous time. The Purse
> is a natural switch tracked by the Head Arbitrator.
> At least once per week, the Head Arbitrator SHALL publish a list of
> recently updated Arbitration Cases. In the same message, e CAN, by
> announcement, transfer up to N coins from this contract to emself, where
> N is the value of the Purse. When doing so, the Purse is decreased by
> the number of coins transferred.
> An Arbitration Case is a matter arising from an alleged violation of a
> contract. Arbitrator is an untracked switch possessed by Arbitration
> Cases with possible values of any party to this contract and
> "unassigned" (default). To assign an Arbitration Case to a person is to
> flip its Arbitrator to that person. State is an untracked switch
> possessed by Arbitration Cases with possible values "open" (default) and
> "closed".
> The following must be specified when creating an Arbitration Case: the
> relevant action, the relevant contract, and the alleged perpetrator.
> When an open Arbitration Case is unassigned, the Head Arbitrator CAN by
> announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, flip its Arbitrator to any
> other value. The Arbitrator SHOULD NOT assign an Arbitration Case to a
> person who has a manifest interest in the case, whether monetary or
> otherwise.
> A party to this contract CAN, by paying a fee of 5 coins to this
> contract, invoke arbitration, specifying:
> - an opted-in contract;
> - an alleged violation of that contract; and
> - the alleged perpetrator (who is a party to that contract or was within
> the past 14 days).
> When arbitration is invoked, a new open Arbitration Case is created with
> the specified action, contract, and perpretrator, and the Purse is
> increased by 1.
> This section authorizes parties to act on behalf of other parties to
> create blots, and is the only section that does so.
> The Punishment Limit of an Arbitration Case is a number of blots
> specified by the alleged contract for the relevant violation, or 4
> otherwise.
> The Arbitrator of an open Arbitration Case CAN, and SHALL in a timely
> fashion after being assigned, resolve that Arbitration Case by publicly
> doing the following:
> - determining whether the action alleged to be a violation occurred; and,
> - if the action is determined to have occurred, determining whether it
> violated the contract specified at initiation.
> In the same message as e closes an Arbitration Case, and if e determined
> that the relevant action occurred and was a violation, the Arbitrator
> CAN cause the perpetrator to grant emself a specified number of blots
> that is between 0 and the Punishment Limit for that case.
> In a timely fashion after resolving an Arbitration Case, the Arbitrator
> for that case CAN once, by announcement, transfer 4 coins from this
> contract to emself.
> When an Arbitration Case is resolved, it becomes closed.
> Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, submit an Amendment
> Proposal, specifying certain changes to this contract. Within two weeks
> of the creation of an Amendment Proposal, any party can, without
> objection from the parties, apply the changes specified by the Amendment
> Proposal. When this occurs, the Amendment Proposal ceases to be an
> Amendment Proposal and is destroyed.
> ----------
> History:
> 13 Jun 2020: contract created by Jason
> 14 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a party
> 16 Jun 03:59 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 16 Jun 10:25 2020: nch became a party
> 21 Jun 17:12 2020: contract amended by Jason via contract's provisions
> 27 Jun 02:17 2020: contract amended by Jason via contract's provisions
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping" (revision 1)
> Parties: Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn, P.S.S.
> ----------
> When this contract refers to an Officer, it is considered to include all
> Officers as defined by the rules (hereafter "Public Officers") as well
> as any entity tasked by a contract with the tracking of gamestate
> relating to that contract (hereafter "Private Officers").
> Parties to this contract should attempt to help the officers of Agora in
> their official duties by following the guidelines of this contract,
> which are enumerated below:
> 1. Signaling: the act of placing in the subject text of a message to the
>     effect of "[attn {Office}]" when actions taken in the message pertain
>     directly to the mentioned office's duties or "[{Action}]" when
>     rule-defined actions are taken that pertains to an officer's duties.
>     Parties to this contract should signal their own messages.
>     A list of actions that should be so signaled and the appropriate
>     signals is included below, sorted by which office they are most
>     pertinent to the duties of. If the specified action signal is already
>     included in the subject of the message, players should signal the
>     office instead.
>     * ADoP
>       * Initiation of, voting on, or declaring the winner of an election:
>         [Election]
>     * Arbitor
>       * Calling and judging of CFJs: [CFJ]
>       * Intendion to file and filing Motions to Reconsider: [Motion]
>       * Intendion to enter and entering a judgement into Moot: [Moot]
>       * Recusing oneself from a CFJ: [Recusal]
>     * Herald
>       * Performing Any action resulting in winning the game: [Victory]
>       * Notices of Honour: [Notice of Honour] or [NoH]
>       * Submission of a Thesis for peer-review: [Thesis]
>       * Suggestions for or intentions to award patent titles: [Patent
>         Title]
>     * Notary
>       * Creation and destruction of pledges: [Pledge]
>       * Creation and destruction of contracts: [Contract]
>       * Any action defined or permitted by a contract: either that
>         contract's full name or an easily identifiable part of that
>         contract's name that cannot be confused with that of another
>         existing contract.
>     * Promotor
>       * Submission and withdrawal of Proposals and intentions to flip the
>         class of a proposal: [Proposal]
>     * Referee
>       * Pointing one's finger: [Finger Pointing] or [Pointing]
>       * Submitting a CFJ to the Referee: signal Referee
>     * Registrar
>       * Deregistration, changing of master switch, and submissions of
>         Cantus Cygnei (if to a public forum): signal Registrar
>     * Rulekeepor
>       * Cleaning: [Cleaning]
>     * Tailor
>       * Awarding a ribbon: [Ribbon]
>       * Awarding oneself glitter: [Glitter]
>     * All Offices
>       * Transfer of an asset tracked by an Office: signal that Office
>       * Casting a vote on an Agoran decision whose vote collecter is an
>         Officer (if not in response to the message in which the decision
>         was initiated): signal that Office
>       * Making a bid in an auction whose auctioneer is an Officer (if not
>         in reponse to the message in which the auction was initiated:
>         signal that Office
>       * For Private Officers, any business impacting the gamestate e
>         tracks: signal that Office
>       * Situations not enumerated above that require special attention
>         from an Officer: signal that Office
> 2. Respecting Official Intentions: abstaining from doing anything that
>     would majorly hinder or impede an Officer's performance of an action
>     related to eir official duties that e has stated either implicitly or
>     explicitly that e would perform when there is no cause to believe
>     that e is performing that action for any malicious or nefarious
>     purpose.
>     Parties to this contract should respect official intentions except
>     when urgent action is required or when the rules require them to take
>     said actions.
> A LoAFER Proposal is a document containing a list of suggested changes
> to this contract or anything defined by it. A player can submit a LoAFER
> Proposal by enumerating in a public message its full contents and
> specifying clearly that it is a LoAFER Proposal.
> Parties can vote on a LoAFER Proposal by replying directly to the
> message in which it was created, specifying either Aye or Nay as their
> vote.
> Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, pass a LoAFER Proposal
> if:
> 1. the number of Aye votes on that LoAFER Proposal exceeds floor(1+P/2),
>     where P is the number of parties to this contract; OR
> 2. the number of Aye votes is greater than the number of Nay votes, and
>     the LoAFER proposal in question was submitted at least 96 hours
>     before.
> Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, fail a LoAFER Proposal
> if the number of Nay votes is equal to or greater than the number of Aye
> votes and the LoAFER Proposal was submitted at least 96 hours ago.
> When a LoAFER Proposal is passed, all the changes specified therein are
> put into effect, then it is destroyed. When a LoAFER Proposal is failed,
> it is destroyed.
> ----------
> History:
> 14 Jun 2020: contract created by Trigon
> 14 Jun 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only member
> 14 Jun 2020: Jason became a member
> 14 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a member
> 14 Jun 2020: ATMunn became a member
> 14 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a member
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Co Dependents" (revision 1)
> Parties: nch, R. Lee
> ----------
> Nobody but nch and R. Lee can join this contract.
> ----------
> History:
> 14 Jun 2020: contract created by nch
> 14 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a member
> 23 Jun 03:09 2020: contract amended with consent of all members
> 28 Jun 02:46 2020: contract amended with consent of all members
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Cuddlebeam's Locker" (initial revision)
> Parties: Cuddlebeam
> ----------
> This is Cuddlebeam’s Locker, also known as “my locker” when referred to by
> Cuddlebeam.
> Cuddlebeam is the only party to this contract. Cuddlebeam, while acting as
> Cuddlebeam and with Cuddlebeam’s consent, CAN amend this contract by
> announcement.
> Cuddlebeam, while acting as Cuddlebeam and with Cuddlebeam’s consent, CAN
> transfer Assets from this Contract to Cuddlebeam.
> ----------
> History:
> Jun 14 2020: contract created by CuddleBeam
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Card Collective Contract, Agoran" (initial revision)
> Parties: Murphy
> ----------
> Administrivia:
>    1) The name of this contract is Card Collective Contract, Agoran
>       (abbr. CCCA).
>    2) Any player CAN join or leave CCCA by announcement. Members of CCCA
>       are known as Collectors.
>    3) Any Collector CAN amend CCCA with Agoran consent of Collectors.
>    4) The Secretary General is Murphy.
>    5) A Person of Interest is a player or former player.
> Balances:
>    1) Each type of Card has a corresponding List, which is an ordered
>       sequence of Persons of Interest (who may appear multiple times),
>       initially empty.
>    2) When a player transfers N instances of one type of Card to this
>       contract, e is added N times to the end of that type's List.
>    3) To perform Collection for N instances of one type of Card is to do
>       the following:
>         a) Transfer that many instances from CCCA to oneself.
>         b) Pay that many instances as a single set to earn Products.
>         c) The Comrades are the first entries (up to N) in that type's
>            List who are players. Transfer one Product earned in the
>            previous step to the first Comrade (or keep it if that Comrade
>            is the performer), then one to the second, etc., returning to
>            the last Comrade after the first, until all those Products are
>            transferred. Then remove those entries from that List.
>       Other clauses notwithstanding, Collection may only be performed if
>       it fully succeeds in one message and has at least one Comrade.
>    4) Any Collector CAN perform Collection for N instances of one type of
>       Card with Agoran consent of Collectors.
>    5) If CCCA has at least as many instances of one type of Card as the
>       largest single set that can be paid to earn Products, then the
>       Secretary General CAN and SHALL perform Collection for such a
>       maximal set of that type.
> Non-binding notes
>    The Collectors SHOULD update these as needed for accuracy.
>    Example:
>    * Legislative Cards are deposited by (in order) A, B, C, A, D, E
>    * LC List is now {A, B, A, C, D, E}
>    * A performs Collection (4 LCs for 10 Pendants)
>    * Comrades are A, B, A, C
>    * A transfers those 10 Pendants as follows: keep, B, C, keep,
>        (back to start) keep, B, C, keep, (back to start) keep, B
>    * LC List is now {D, E}
>    If B deregistered prior to this Collection, then instead:
>    * Comrades are A, C, A, D
>    * A transfers (total of) 3 to C, 2 to D, keeps other 5
>    * LC List is now {B, E}
>    Non-players can't own assets, but remain on Lists in case they
>    re-register. Non-Collector players can deposit and benefit, but
>    can't influence the timing of voluntary payouts.
> ----------
> History:
> 17 Jun 01:40 2020: contract created by Murphy
> 17 Jun 02:04 2020: R. Lee became a party
> 29 Jun 03:19 2020: R. Lee ceased to be a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 1: GIFT" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 3. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 5 coins when the Secret
> Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> 0e8f34ef57b57112f0f3faba7ab97eaad1c137d49c19b50862ac5b8c6bdaf4cb
> ----------
> History:
> 19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 2: POEM" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 5. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 5 coins when the Secret
> Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> af1c1429a1ead01e6e4c812e6e8514ef4bd4beca007ebcf589d34746ada51dcd
> ----------
> History:
> 19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 3: CARD" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least one card when the Secret
> Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> c96b8d180a178d4761cac40e9120e35d662cd32c31050cfbf0d4c4b16fb6fce7
> ----------
> History:
> 19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 4: SURE" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 10 coins when the Secret
> Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> 1232797ac64c139b663834126239f4c4111284fd5f588916f8b247adb784cb80
> ----------
> History:
> 19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 5: DECK" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 5. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 10 coins when the Secret
> Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> 738b2df7c09123bbee5e9b2bfee3feb87c527e99df111ac42bc6d03c6a8ad2ac
> ----------
> History:
> 19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 6: BOON" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least three cards when the
> Secret Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> 7f99cf8654ff0cb8b4df3cb59073860fe1b5fae00becb609a556f3fb3ce35465
> ----------
> History:
> 19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through Rigorous
> Exchanging of Signature Suggestions" (revision 2)
> Parties: Trigon, nch, Jason
> ----------
> Players can join and leave this contract at any time.
> Any party to this contract CAN submit a signature suggestion by paying 3
> coins to this contract and stating a short body of text no longer than
> 10 words.
> Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL, within 4 days of the signature
> suggestion's submission, either approve or deny a signature
> suggestion. E SHALL NOT deny a suggestion unless the suggestion breaks
> one of the rejection criteria, which are enumerated at the end of this
> contract.
> When Trigon approves a signature suggestion, e adds the suggestion to
> eir signature which is included at the end of all of eir messages, then
> e transfers 3 coins from this contract to emself.
> When Trigon denies a signature suggestion, e transfers 3 coins from this
> contract to the player that submitted the signature suggestion.
> If assets were transferred to this contract by any mechanism not
> described above, Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL within 4 days,
> transfer the coins to their owner before said transfer.
> Trigon is only obligated to keep each suggestion in eir signature for a
> period of two weeks. After that period elapses, e may remove the
> suggestion at any time.
> The rejection criteria are as follows:
> 1. The suggestion includes swear words.
> 2. The suggestion includes serious, intentional insult to a person.
> 3. The suggestion treats real-world and/or in-game issues lightly.
> 4. The suggestion is otherwise in poor taste.
> 5. The suggestion contains a sentence that could be interpreted as a
>      game action.
> ----------
> History:
> 21 Jun 23:16 2020: contract created by Trigon
> 22 Jun 00:57 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
> 22 Jun 01:14 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
> 22 Jun 01:22 2020: nch became a party
> 22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd became a party
> 22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd ceased to be a party
> 22 Jun 02:00 2020: Jason became a party
> 22 Jun 02:00 2020: Jason ceased to be a party
> 22 Jun 02:01 2020: Jason became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Dragon QuickExchange" (initial revision)
> Parties: Falsifian
> ----------
> -- Overview --
> In a hurry to convert a couple of Cards? This contract permits exchange
> of Cards for Products at a reasonable rate within a single message.
> Players can also make a profit by doing card-to-product conversions for
> this contract.
> -- Basic use --
> If this contract owns at least 2 of a type of Product, any player CAN
> pay 1 of the corresponding Card to this contract to take 2 of that
> Product from this contract.
> -- Advanced use --
> Victory Credits, Justice Credits, Legislative Credits and Voting Credits
> are liquid currencies backed by this contract.
> The Allowed Conversions are as follows:
> * 1   Card    to 100 Credits
> * 47  Credits to   1 Product
> * 1   Product to  44 Credits
> * 100 Credits to   1 Card
> An Allowed Conversion of X to Y is satisfiable if Y is in Credits or
> this contract owns at least Y. If an Allowed Conversion is satisfiable,
> any player CAN pay a fee of X to this contract to be granted Y (if Y is
> credits) or to take Y from this contract (otherwise).
> Whenever this contract owns Credits and the above sequence is not in
> progress, the Credits are destroyed.
> When Cards and Products are destroyed due to a VP win, all Credits are
> destroyed as well.
> -- Management --
> Any player CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.
> Any player CAN by announcement transfer assets from this contract to the
> Dragon Corporation, if explicitly permitted by the Dragon Corporation's
> text.
> If an Amendment Proposal for the Dragon Corporation is adopted (as
> specified by the Dragon Corporation text) and specifies changes to this
> contract, then first any parties to this contract who did not consent to
> those changes ceases to be a party, and then the changes are applied.
> ----------
> History:
> 22 Jun 02:03 2020: contract created by Falsifian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Obstruction" (initial revision)
> Parties: omd
> ----------
> omd consents, assents to, wants to, and does automatically amend this
> contract by prepending the Secret Word, each time any of the following
> occur:
> - A contract other than this one is created or amended.
> - Any player is exiled.
> - Any player receives a Welcome Package.
> If omd was wearing a hat at the time this contract was created, then the
> Secret Word is "Hello".  Otherwise, it is "Goodbye".
> [This is an attempt to exploit the following provision:
>        Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause
>        the full provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly
>        unavailable is canceled and does not take effect.
> It's based on a discussion on Discord which seemed to conclude that
> consent is not just a condition for modifying contracts but the
> mechanism for it, under the relevant clause of Rule 1742:
>                                             A contract may be modified,
>        including by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all
>        existing parties.
> Note that Rule 1742 does not provide any other mechanism, so if consent
> is not a mechanism, amending and terminating contracts is probably
> impossible by Rule 2125.
> If consent is a mechanism, Rule 2519 item 2 (and to some extent item 4)
> suggests that contracts can trigger it automatically.
> Whether this actually succeeds at blocking actions depends, I suppose,
> on how you define "change", "cause", and "unambiguously".]
> ----------
> NOTE: The text of this contract may be disputed. See thread
> "obstruction" and CFJ 3856.
> History:
> 23 Jun 05:44 2020: contract created by omd
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Obstruction 2: Electric Boogaloo" (initial revision)
> Parties: R. Lee
> ----------
> R. Lee consents, assents to, wants to, and does automatically amend this
> contract
> by prepending the Secret Word, each time any of the following occur:
> -The rule called :"Welcome Package" is amended
> -Anyone votes FOR a proposal that would amend the rule "Welcome Package"
> If omd was wearing a hat at the time this contract was created, then the
> Secret
> Word is "Hello".  Otherwise, it is "Goodbye".
> ----------
> History:
> 23 Jun 06:21 2020: contract created by R. Lee
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "SNOCS (Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets)" (initial revision)
> Parties: omd, ATMunn, R. Lee
> ----------
> Pooling Cards refers to the following procedure:
> 1. A party collects 4 Cards of the same type as follows:
>     E nominates a total of 4 Cards of the same type in any party's
> possession,
>     which must include at least 1 of eir own Cards.
>     Then e acts on behalf of the owners of those Cards (except emself) to
>     transfer the Cards from them to emself.
> 2. E pays those 4 Cards as a set to get 10 Products.
> 3. E distributes the just-earned Products evenly as follows:
>     If the 4 Cards consisted of 2 from em and 2 from a single other party,
>     then e transfers 5 of the Products to that other party for a truly even
>     distribution.
>     Otherwise, e transfers 2 of the Products to the original owner of
> each of
>     the Cards, for a total of 8 Products.  As for the remaining 2
> Products, e
>     transfers each to the original owner of a random one of the Cards.
>     For the purposes of the above paragraph, to transfer Products to
> oneself is
>     to do nothing.
>     The random choice shall be made following the guidelines in Rule 2505.
> Any party CAN at any time Pool Cards.
>   - The other parties consent to that party acting on behalf of them as
>     specified in the procedure, as long as (a) e attempts to perform all
> actions
>     in the procedure, in order, in a single message; (b) e does not
> intersperse
>     them with any other attempted actions; (c) in that message e labels the
>     attempted actions as an attempt to Pool Cards, and (d) all of the
> actions
>     would be successful assuming the aforementioned consent is given.
> Any player CAN join the contract by announcement; any party CAN leave the
> contract by announcement.  Any party CAN remove another party from the
> contract
> without objection.  Each party consents to the aforementioned membership
> changes.
> ----------
> History:
> 29 Jun 00:07 2020: contract created by omd
> 29 Jun 15:45 2020: ATMunn became a party
> 29 Jun 15:47 2020: R. Lee became a party
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Dragon Political Outreach" (initial revision)
> Parties: Falsifian
> ----------
> Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.
> Whenever a party (Party A) to this contact grants a Card to another
> party (Party B) of this contract, party A CAN once in the same message
> act on party B's behalf to transfer a Card of the same type from Party
> B to the Dragon Corporation.
> ----------
> History:
> 29 Jun 13:38 2020: contract created by Falsifian
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ========================================================================
> ========================================================================
> =============================== PLEDGES ================================
> ========================================================================
> If any pledge(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
> displayed in this report.
> The following 15 pledges exist:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "You can make it happen, R. Lee!" created by Gaelan
> Time of creation: 11 Mar 04:16 2020
> Time window:      1 year
> Time of expiry:   11 Mar 04:16 2021
> Text:
> I pledge to transfer 100 coins to R. Lee by the end of this pledge’s
> time window if Peter Suber registers as a player. The time window
> for this pledge is one year.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "G's encouragement" created by R. Lee
> Time of creation: 3 Jun 03:24 2020
> Time window:      3 months
> Time of expiry:   3 Sep 03:24 2020
> Text:
> I pledge to pay G. (or any other player) all my coins and victory points
> if e fills in all the gaps in the CFJ database in the years 2018 and
> 2019. Time window is 3 months.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "No Fraud, Becca" created by R. Lee
> Time of creation: 3 Jun 03:34 2020
> Time window:      3 months
> Time of expiry:   3 Sep 03:34 2020
> Text:
> I also pledge not to transfer coins to other entities to avoid the above
> pledge[1] for the same time window of 3 months. Violating this pledge
> shall be a class 8 crime.
> [1] "the above pledge" refers to the pledge "G's encouragement"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Don't touch the statute" created by Jason Cobb
> Time of creation: 4 Jun 00:32 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   3 Aug 00:32 2020
> Text:
> I pledge not to change rule numbers in order to interfere with the
> functioning of a statute for the period of 60 days.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "True randomness" created by R. Lee
> Time of creation: 13 Jun 12:09 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   12 Aug 12:09 2020
> Text:
> I pledge that the random determination by me will be truly and
> verifiably random.
> [this pledge references the contract "Combinotron"]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Ribbon bribery" created by R. Lee
> Time of creation: 14 Jun 01:26 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   13 Aug 01:26 2020
> Text:
> I pledge to timely give you[1] all my cards or Products except for
> Legislative Cards or products if you give me a Grey ribbon later this
> month and also not to circumvent this pledge by sketchy transferring.
> [1] Addressed to Publius Scribonius Scholasticus (P.S.S.)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Offer for those interested in creating a bridge" created by P.S.S.
> Time of creation: 22 Jun 22:50 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   21 Aug 22:50 2020
> Text:
> I will create a contract compensating the creator and maintainer of such
> a bridge[1] with good uptime and usability after it has functioned for a
> month. The compensation shall be no less than that received by a
> competent, law-abiding officer or its reasonable equivalent in cards.
> [1] context:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2020-June/043564.html
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Definitely not me" created by R. Lee
> Time of creation: 23 Jun 01:47 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   22 Jun 01:47 2020
> I pledge that this[1] is not me, class 1 billion crime.
> [1] referring to "Unspecified Behavior"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Not me either" created by Trigon
> Time of creation: 23 Jun 01:50 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   22 Aug 01:50 2020
> Text:
> I pledge that this person[1] is not me.
> [1] referring to "Unspecified Behavior"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Identity reveal" created by Unspecified Behavior
> Time of creation: 23 Jun 01:50 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   22 Aug 01:50 2020
> Text:
> I pledge to reveal my identity after any CFJ depending on it has been
> judged.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "No unfair blotting" created by nch
> Time of creation: 23 Jun 03:22 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   22 Aug 03:22 2020
> Text:
> I pledge not to blot anyone within the next two weeks unless
> this intent[1] has the support it needs to resolve at any point within 1
> day of its possible resolution window.
> [1]
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2020-June/043589.html
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "No power abuse" created by Jason
> Time of creation: 23 Jun 23:20 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of creation: 22 Aug 23:20 2020
> Text:
> If I acquire the office of Prime Minister, I pledge to exercise no
> cabinet orders and to initiate an election within 7 days.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "No emergency regulations" created by Jason
> Time of creation: 23 Jun 23:27 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of creation: 22 Aug 23:27 2020
> Text:
> I pledge to issue no intents pertaining to emergency regulations if I
> become Prime Minister.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Win bribery" created by R. Lee
> Time of creation: 27 Jun 03:43 2020
> Time window:      60 days
> Time of expiry:   26 Aug 03:43 2020
> Text:
> I pledge to abandin any attrmpt to do this scam if you give ME a win via
> free tournament
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "I shall do thy bidding" created by grok
> Time of creation: 29 Jun 16:21 2020
> Time window:      24 hours
> Time of expiry:   30 Jun 16:21 2020
> Text:
> For the next 24 hours, I pledge to do your will.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ========================================================================
> ========================================================================
> =============================== PROMISES ===============================
> ========================================================================
> The following promise exists:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Treasure" created by omd
> Bearer: the Lost and Found Department
> Text:
> I pay 200 coins to the bearer
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ========================================================================
> --
> ATMunn
> friendly neighborhood notary here :)

>From R. Lee

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