On 2020-07-07 15:12, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
On 7/6/20 4:02 PM, ATMunn via agora-official wrote:
"Contract No. 4: SURE" (initial revision)
Parties: Trigon


The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 10 coins when the Secret
Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:



I consent to, and become party to, the above contract.

I perform the Secret Action.

FIRST, I reveal the text.

489324897951 If the other party to this contract posesses at least 10 coins, Trigon transfers one of eir cards to the other party to this contract, then transfers 10 coins from the other party to emself.

For maximum verifiability, the attached text file when run through OpenSSL's SHA-256 algorithm yields the hashed text above.

SECOND, I perform the actions.

Since Jason possesses 20 > 10 coins, I transfer em one Voting Card and then transfer myself 10 coins.

THIRD, I leave the contract.

I cease to be a party to Secret Contract No. 4.


transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this
489324897951 If the other party to this contract posesses at least 10 coins, 
Trigon transfers one of eir cards to the other party to this contract, then 
transfers 10 coins from the other party to emself.

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