On 7/6/20 4:02 PM, ATMunn via agora-official wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Contract No. 4: SURE" (initial revision)
> Parties: Trigon
> ----------
> The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
> contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
> party limit.
> The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
> hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
> performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
> to transfer assets.
> Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 10 coins when the Secret
> Action is performed.
> Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
> its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
> the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
> other actions until the process is complete.
> 1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
> 2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
> 3. Leave this contract.
> The hashed Secret Action is:
> 1232797ac64c139b663834126239f4c4111284fd5f588916f8b247adb784cb80
> ----------

I consent to, and become party to, the above contract.

Jason Cobb

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