On 8/9/2021 4:45 AM, ais523 via agora-business wrote:
> On Mon, 2021-08-09 at 13:31 +0200, Cuddle Beam via agora-business
> wrote:
>>  Your attempt to simultaneously Flip, failed; because: CFJ 2086 (called 15
>> Jul 2008): Message-based actions are always taken in some order, never
>> precisely simultaneously, possibly unless otherwise stated.
>> I Judge FALSE.
> I intend, with 2 support, to group-file a Motion to Reconsider this;
> the statements that this makes about the judgement of CFJ 2086 are not
> correct.
> CFJ 2086 found that game custom was that, if there are no other cues
> about timing within the message, multiple actions taken in the same
> message happen in the order in which they are written; and that the
> rules are silent on the issue, so game custom is used as a rule 217
> tiebreak. (It didn't mention the other rule 217 tests, but I think
> those also point towards an "actions happen in sequence unless
> otherwise stated" viewpoint; in addition to being game custom, this is
> clearly in the best interests of the game, and is also supported by
> common sense.)
> In this case, though, there are other cues about timing in the message
> (it explicitly states it's trying to do two things simultaneously), so
> the precedent of CFJ 2086 doesn't apply (both because it explicitly
> stated it doesn't apply in this case, and because the reasoning that it
> used doesn't hold up in the situation where the message outright says
> otherwise).

I support.

In addition to ais523's arguments, Rule 478/23 (in effect at the time of
CFJ 2086), didn't contain the "unless otherwise stated" sentence.  That
legislatively-inserted text (by P6785, adopted August 2011) is a key point
in the caller's arguments for the current cfj. That text makes CFJ 2086
out-of-date since the rule is no longer silent and the text of the rule
now applies. Evidence:

>From Assessor's voting report (Aug 22 14:57:56 UTC 2010):

Proposal 6785 (Purple, AI=3.0, Interest=0) by coppro

Attorney Adjustment

Amend Rule 478 (Fora) by replacing
       A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent
       to all players and containing a clear designation of intent to
       be public.  A person "publishes" or "announces" something by
       sending a public message.

       Where the rules define an action that CAN be performed "by
       announcement", a person performs that action by unambiguously
       and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs
       it.  Any action performed by sending a message is performed at
       the time date-stamped on that message.
       A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent
       to all players and containing a clear designation of intent to
       be public.  A rule can also designate that a part of one public
       message is considered a public message in its own right. A person
       "publishes" or "announces" something by sending a public message,.

       Where the rules define an action that CAN be performed "by
       announcement", a person performs that action by unambiguously
       and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs
       it.  Any action performed by sending a message is performed at
       the time date-stamped on that message. Actions in messages
       (including sub-messages) are performed in the order they appear in
       the message, unless otherwise specified.


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