Goethe wrote:

Making it illegal but possible, with the only punishment being exile for the partnership (rather than punishment for members of the
basis) means that I can register a partnership, vote with it, etc.,
and the worst that happens if I'm found out is that my partnership
goes away (but the votes still count, etc.).  May want to make the
basis bear responsibility, too.

Above and beyond dinging the front man (men) for eir violation(s)
of Truthfulness?

We may also want to extend "Who Am I?" to cover claims of personhood,
extending forward to the moment of a judicial finding that the
partnership isn't a person after all.  (Incidentally, this is why I
attempted to legislate a formal definition of "judicial finding",
i.e. so we can use it as a timing basis without having to repeat
"and the time limit for appealing it has expired" all the time.)

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