Here's an interesting idea I've thought up, to add mandatory politics
into decisions about voting.

Proto: Mandatory Proxy voting (AI=2, II=1)
Replace the third paragraph of rule 2156 with:
Proxy is a player switch, tracked by the Assessor, with a range of all
players; for each player, the default value of eir Proxy is that player
emself. Any player CAN flip eir Proxy by announcement. Whenever a
player's Proxy is at its default value, that player SHALL flip it to
some other value as soon as possible. Changes to Proxy are secured. If
one player has another different player as eir Proxy, the first player
is a Sponsor of eirs; no player is a Sponsor of a player otherwise.

Each player has an associated number known as eir effective voting limit
on ordinary decisions (EVLOD).  Whenever a player is registered, eir
EVLOD is set to 0.  At the end of each week, each player's EVLOD is set
to the sum of the VVLODs of all eir Sponsors.  EVLOD cannot be modified
by any other means.  The assessor's report includes each player's EVLOD.

In other words, you don't get to cast votes on ordinary decisions
yourself, you have to nominate someone else who will vote on your
behalf, or you get a criminal case against you and your votes are
wasted. Let the politics begin!

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