On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:45 AM, ais523 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Proxy is a player switch, tracked by the Assessor, with a range of all
> players; for each player, the default value of eir Proxy is that player
> emself. Any player CAN flip eir Proxy by announcement.

Perhaps limit Proxy changes to one per week?

> Whenever a
> player's Proxy is at its default value, that player SHALL flip it to
> some other value as soon as possible.

Why?  Maybe I'm content to just let my VVLOD go to waste if nobody has
made a good offer for it.

> Changes to Proxy are secured. If
> one player has another different player as eir Proxy, the first player
> is a Sponsor of eirs; no player is a Sponsor of a player otherwise.

"A player's Sponsors are the set of players whose proxy is that
player, excluding emself."

> Each player has an associated number known as eir effective voting limit
> on ordinary decisions (EVLOD).  Whenever a player is registered, eir
> EVLOD is set to 0.  At the end of each week, each player's EVLOD is set
> to the sum of the VVLODs of all eir Sponsors.  EVLOD cannot be modified
> by any other means.  The assessor's report includes each player's EVLOD.

VVLOD should be rounded first.  I know it can't currently go
fractional, but it's good practice.


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