On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Ed Murphy wrote:
> I think that (a) you're discussing intent to mislead in general, and
> (b) Zefram and I objected to what used to be called recklessness wrt
> the truth (i.e. publishing a statement without bothering to consider
> whether it was true or not).  Would you be happy if such recklessness
> were defined as another form of intent to mislead?

Yep, that's what I was talking about.

> I also see no harm in adding an exemption for any statement for which
> IRRELEVANT would be an appropriate judgement on an inquiry case on
> that statement.

Actually, adding "intent to deceive" would probably protect performance
art pieces like dancing, if you add this, you might just make it
"an attempt to deceive on a matter relevant to the rules".  


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