Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
>> Legislature is a player switch with values Quoredupon and Unquoredfor
>> (default). A player CAN flip eir Legislature to Unquoredfor by
>> announcement. A player CAN flip eir Legislature to Quoredupon by
>> submitting a valid ballot on an Agoran Decision.
> Yet another simple system:  you lose points for everything you don't vote 
> on.  (we've done that before).  Less then -P points, you can be made 
> inactive.
> I generally think we should keep only one participation/non-participation
> switch that eventually leads down the road to deregistration.  How does 
> it benefit the game to allow lots of unquored for non-voter non-
> participants to just "sit there" within the game indefinitely?
> -G.

The idea is that there would be some people that aren't interested in
being legislators, but are interested in other parts of the game
(judging, contract subgames, etc.) I refer again to the analogy with
Posture: a person can be an active participant without judging; the same
should be true of voting.

This would also be an important step toward Agora growing larger and
more powerful. At the moment, the Rules can only really affect people
who are interested in helping to make them, which is significantly
unlike most "real-world" legal systems. Enabling "civilians" could
increase the Agoran population by a factor of four, helping Agora to
come into its own as the true superpower of nomics.

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