On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, ais523 wrote:
> Anyway, what I was referring to is not "G. is playing", but "it seems to
> be consensus that exercising your right to stop playing has to be done
> deliberately, and with an actual intent to stop playing more or less
> permanently". I'm not sure if that opinion is indeed consensus, although
> I assumed it was; I'm also not sure if it's correct (or whether I hold
> it; I haven't thought too much about the matter). There's a precedent
> about this from one of Warrigal's deregistrations, IIRC.

I agree with deliberately though I'm not sure why "permanently" enters 
into it!  I think the right is due for an update to be more in line with 
intent (see rule 1755 ca. 2004 for some idea of intent).  If I were playing
I would make it like this:

Amend r101 by replacing:
       vii. Every player has the right to deregister rather than
            continue to play.
       vii. Every player has the right to deregister and thereby cease 
            to be a player by informing all other players.  Whenever a 
            player is deregistered, e ceases in general to occupy any 
            role or position to which the rules assign any duties or 
            powers, and ceases to be bound by agreements made between 
            players that are binding under the Rules.  A non-player can 
            not be assessed penalties for actions or inactions that e
            takes while not a player; however, penalties for actions or 
            inactions that were performed while the non-player was 
            previously a player may be applied.

[yes it means that deregistration will get you out of future contract
obligations, though not previous ones.  the fact that deregistration
clears your slate is balanced by the waiting period before reregistration,
and the fact that contracts could track your status in varied ways
even after deregistration].

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