On Thu, 15 Oct 2009, comex wrote:
>      viii. Every player has the right to deregister; e may continue
>            to accrue obligations and penalties after deregistration
>            but, if e wishes to ignore the game, such penalties shall
>            not unduly harass em.
> [viii. clarify that so-called "hard deregistration" does not exist--
> you keep your rests if you deregister, and might even get more
> afterward (no "i just caused major illegal harm to the game, now i'll
> deregister for 90d so i can't be punished"), but it has to stay in the
> game, no sentence where everyone SHALL annoy the ninny out-of-game for
> x time.]

It is intresting that you want it to take the opposite meaning than
its original Suberian sense that a player can incur no penalty worse
than ceasing to play (in other words, Suber specifically included
"cease playing to avoid an in-game penalty" as a safety valve).  This
amendment is wholly the opposite of intent.

In an ongoing game, whatever our window of punishment is (90 days 
voluntary Exile at present to avoid worse) should therefore be 
equivalent to a "worst possible penalty" and non-players should NOT be
able to incur obligations and penalties; it is Imperial, un-Agoran,
and non-Suberian otherwise.


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