Here follows the proto of a D-Proposal. Some of the fragments might be
a bit forced, but not too so in my opinion.


The Shuttle

The Shuttle is an object In Space, and it is a class Sitting Duck
space exploration vessel, where all active players are stationed. It
has three Stations: the Lower Deck, the Engine Room and the Bridge.
The Shuttle will undertake journeys between two wormholes In Space,
travelling on a straight line divided into a number of AUs represented
by the following style of map:


Where @ is a wormhole, > is the Shuttle and every symbol taking up one
AU (dashes representing one AU of empty space). Any object that is In
Space is to be represented on this map and has a position, a delta, a
hit point total and possibly other stats as well. An object's position
is its distance from the left wormhole (the Shuttle in the example has
a position of 2). An objects delta is its speed, ranges from -5 to 5
and can only be whole numbers. At the beginning of each week, the
position of an object In Space is increased by its delta.The Shuttle's
default position and delta are 1 and its hit point total 12. An object
that takes damage loses that many hit points; if an object is reduced
to 0 hit points or less it is destroyed. A wormhole has inf. hit

Every player has a Station switch, with possible values Outside, Lower
Deck, Engine Room and Bridge (default). At most once every 12 hours a
player may flip their Station switch to the value of an adjacent room,
where Lower Deck is adjacent to Engine Room which is also adjacent to
Bridge. This is known as walking to the room indicated by the new
value. A player whose Station switch is x "is (stationed) in/on the


Every day, each player may choose one button to push in eir Station.
This causes the Shuttle to take a certain action at the start of the
next day. Each button may only be pushed once a day.
The following buttons exist on the Lower Deck:
- Missile Launch
- Pulse Cannon Fire (1)
- Reload
The following buttons exist in the Engine Room:
- Reactor Recharge
- More Speed (1)
- Turbo (2)
- Zero-Point Handbrake (1)
The following buttons exist on the Bridge:
- Heavy Laser Cannon Fire (1)
- Reload
- Record Captain's Log (1)

Shuttle Actions

Charges, measuring energy aboard the ship, is a currency. Only
Stations may own Charges. When the Shuttle sets out for a new journey
all Stations have 2 Charges each. When the button Reactor Recharge is
pushed, the Shuttle awards the Engine Room Charges 3 charges. When
either Reload button is pushed, the Shuttle Charges to be transferred
from the Engine Room to the Station with that button until either the
Engine Room is empty or the other Station has 4 Charges.

Many of the actions taken by the Shuttle when the buttons are pushed
cost energy; they have the cost in Charges in brackets next to the
name of their button. This energy is taken from the Station with that
button if present, otherwise, the action fails.

When the More Speed button is pushed, the Shuttle increases its delta
by 1. When the Turbo button is pushed, the Shuttle increases its
position by 2. When the Zero-Point Handbrake button is pushed, the
Shuttle reduces its delta to 0.

When the Missile Launch button is pushed, a missile (denoted <) is
dispatched In Space. Missiles have a position one less than that of
the Shuttle, a delta of -2, a total of 5 hit points and an explosion
value of 2. If there is a Missile next to the Shuttle, dispatching
another Missile fails.

When a Cannon Fire button is pushed, the Shuttle fires the indicated
cannon which might cause damage to other objects In Space. The Pulse
Cannon causes 3 damage to all objects with a position within 2 from
that of the Shuttle. The Heavy Laser Cannon causes 6 damage to the
closest object with a position between 1 and 9 greater than that of
the Shuttle. The player pushing the Heavy Laser Cannon Fire button may
choose to push it harder, which increses the Charge cost by 1, the
damage caused by 2, and causes the Shuttle to reduce its position by
one. Doing this when it causes the ship to collide with anything is
the class-1 crime of Hoisting One's Own Petard.

Recording the Captain's log causes the Shuttle to activate the very
fancy recording device for full hologram recording, which causes all
other systems to go offline, and the Shuttle cannot take any other
actions until the end of the next day. During this time any other
player can, with 2 support, initiate a mutiny which flips moves the
pusher of the Captain's Log button to the Outside. If this does not
happen, the player doing the recording may save it for a cost of 2
ergs. A player who successfully performs this action twice within a
single month satisfies the winning condition of Continuity.


As soon as the Shuttle is destroyed or reaches the right wormhole, any
player can with notice start a new journey. This causes all Threats to
be destroyed and all Station switches and all stats of all objects In
Space to be restored to their defaults. The player initiating the
journey becomes known as the Enemy, eir Station is flipped to Outside,
and e SHALL as soon as possible publish the map of the journey,
deciding the position of the second wormhole and thereby the length of
the journey. The second wormhole can never have a position of less
than 10. The Enemy is an imposed office, and recordkeeper of all
Threats and their respective stats.

If the Shuttle is destroyed, the Enemy is awarded a Leadership Token
and may not become the Enemy for the next journey. If the Shuttle
reaches the second wormhole, each active player whose Station is not
Outside is rewarded a capacitor.

The Threats

The position of the second wormhole is known as the Difficulty of the
current journey. At the start of a journey, the Enemy is awarded a
number of Threat Points (a non-tradable currency) equal to the
Difficulty of the journey times three. At any time during the journey
may he create a Threat by specifying the following:
- Its name
- Its symbol
- Its hit point total (H)
- Its delta (d)
- Its explosion (e)
- Its attack (a)
- Its starting position (p)
- Its scouting ability (s)
This is done by paying a number of Threat Points equal to the
following formula: H+|d|+e+a+s+10-|S-p|, where S is the current
position of the Shuttle. It must be positioned between the two
wormholes and cannot have the same starting position as the Shuttle.

Space Flight:

At the start of each day, the following procedure is performed:
i) The Shuttle performs the action associated with the buttons pushed
during the previous day. These are performed in the order the button
were pushed.
ii) Each threat performs its attack. This does damage to the closest
object in the Threats trajectory (based on the sign of its delta,
positive if 0) equal to its attack value. Each threat then generates a
number of Threat Points equal to its scouting ability value, which are
awarded the Enemy.
iii) If the day began a new week, each object is moved according to its delta.
iv) If any two objects have the same position, they collide. If any
object collides with a wormhole, it disappears. Threats that disappear
this way generate Threat Points equal to their current cost, which are
awarded to the Enemy. Otherwise if two objects collide, the one with
less remaining hit points is destroyed and explodes, causing damage to
the other object equal to its remaining hit points times its explosion
value. If two objects with the same amount of hit points collide, they
cause each other damage equal to their respective explosion values.

The Ship Computor

The Ship Computor is an office, and tracks of the following:
- Station switches
- The map of all objects In Space
- Charges
- Threat Points
- The Difficulty of the current journey
- The stats of the Shuttle and all Missiles


tl;dr: one player plays the enemy and builds threats that he hurls at
the players, who are stuck in a shuttle (on a one-dimensional journey)
in which they can take one action per day, mostly consisting of
shooting and reloading.

Does this make sense? Is it too much to keep track of? Do we want this
kind of gameplay, even if it is/gets streamlined enough?
Yes, it's a rip-off from Space Alert, but enough people have not
played that game to make that fact a point in its favour: Space Alert
gameplay deserves to be experienced.


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