On 10 June 2010 22:09, Jonatan Kilhamn <jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Space Flight:
> At the start of each day, the following procedure is performed:
> i) The Shuttle performs the action associated with the buttons pushed
> during the previous day. These are performed in the order the button
> were pushed.
> ii) Each threat performs its attack. This does damage to the closest
> object in the Threats trajectory (based on the sign of its delta,
> positive if 0) equal to its attack value. Each threat then generates a
> number of Threat Points equal to its scouting ability value, which are
> awarded the Enemy.
> iii) If the day began a new week, each object is moved according to its delta.
> iv) If any two objects have the same position, they collide. If any
> object collides with a wormhole, it disappears. Threats that disappear
> this way generate Threat Points equal to their current cost, which are
> awarded to the Enemy. Otherwise if two objects collide, the one with
> less remaining hit points is destroyed and explodes, causing damage to
> the other object equal to its remaining hit points times its explosion
> value. If two objects with the same amount of hit points collide, they
> cause each other damage equal to their respective explosion values.
I think the part I'm most unsure of is if it's to be daily, weekly or
somewhere in between that stuff happens. Daily might be too often, and
the shuttle movement has to be weekly because of the fragment wording.
If everything else (damage etc) is daily, then a lot of things can
happen between movements, which might be hard to keep track of.

Another thing that got weird because of the fragments was the
captain's log thing: right now I don't know if it's balanced. People
might not dare to try because they will almost certainly be mutineered
against, but then again if we can make it just hard enough for the
ship to survive the crew might decide to spare the fool's life because
they will need all hands on deck once the systems are back up again.
Maybe also give everyone more points(=capacitors/leadership tokens) if
the shuttle survives with a captain's log in place.


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