coppro wrote:

> On 08/24/2010 12:27 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> Well, that's slightly more interesting, but the Proposal was a document
>> that predated coppro's name change, so there's a case to be made that
>> the Proposal's referent transfers to the Rules along with the actual
>> language.  -G.
> The language clearly says that it's when the document first comes to 
> reference an entity. There is no rule that references an entity named 
> 'The Robot' right now, and there is no entity named 'The Robot' (there 
> is a propoal with that title, but its name is Distributed Proposal 6796, 
> per rule 2161). When Distributed Proposal 6808 is resolved and ADOPTED, 
> then a rule will come into existence that references The Robot, and will 
> thus come to refer to the entity that had that name - i.e. me.

Proto:  Append this to second paragraph of R1586:  "The previous clause
notwithstanding, a document refers to a first-class player by name only
if it explicitly states its intention to do so."  [idea yoinked from
B Nomic's current Rule 2]

Also, if 6796 is adopted and refers to you, then the "cannot deregister"
clause is trumped by R101(vii).

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