> Turiski,
> Your email seems to be the one with funky wrapping; Gondilier's second
> message looks fine to me.
I'm not entirely sure how my wrapping works. I fiddled with some settings; is 
it better now?

> (Specifying a Boolean logical OR in the original message would have 
> guaranteed failure, which I'm guessing wasn't the intent).
Right, but it could have said "xor" or the like. Further, I don't believe "or" 
is ruleset-defined, so it should have the common language meaning, which is 
exclusive, but I think there is history to suggest that ENDORSE or AGAINST 
means what Tanner intended. (I could be completely wrong about this)

The fact that he explicitly stated "perl-style" seems to suggest some degree of 
"please look at this carefully," and a careful look found this somewhat bizarre 
feature of endorsement. 


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