On Thu, 23 Jun 2011, Elliott Hird wrote:
> On 23 June 2011 05:18, Pavitra <celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Are you trying to get at the "select two votes" thing? I think it pretty
> > clearly evaluates down to one selection at the end.
> No; comex is arguing that the action is interpreted as (vote(MURPH or
> AGAINST)); I am arguing for (vote(MURPH) or vote(AGAINST)), and argue
> that vote's result, when interpreted as a boolean, should be true iff
> the vote is validly cast.

Remember that it's not vote(MURPH) it's Endorse(MURPH).

And Endorse(X) is already defined by the rules as (Vote X or PRESENT) using
the perl-or.

So what we really have is (((Vote Murph) or PRESENT) or AGAINST).

The question is, if Murphy doesn't vote, whether the PRESENT stops us
from getting to AGAINST (strict perl-or logic interpretation), or whether 
the AGAINST somehow overrides the PRESENT (common usage/more common sense
interpretation and probably the intent).


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