On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Mister Snuggles <mr.snu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i am not a player.
> i register.
> cfj arguments: to agora, all nonplayers are interchangeable.
> mister snuggles

Huh, and I always thought it was G..

This message appears to have been sent from Gmail (also, the DKIM
signature is correct, although unlike in my messages, it does not
contain "X-Google-Sender-Auth").  If it is by the same author as the
original Mister Snuggles message and e is telling the truth, e must be
one of {BobTHJ, Droowl, Flameshadowxeroshin, Math321, Tiger, Turiski}.
 The time zone listed on the message is -0400, which is not consistent
with any of their messages (based on the archive of a-b); the time
itself (17:27 UTC) is not particularly inconsistent with any of their
messaging habits (where there is sufficient data).

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