omd wrote:

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Alex Smith<>  wrote:
I assume Ambassador-At-Large.

In other news, I hereby announce a new Nomic:

Nomic 1

1. This is the ruleset for Nomic 1.  omd is the only player of Nomic
1, and can amend these rules arbitrarily by posting a message with the
new ruleset to agora-business.

2. The Counter is: 1.  Agora's ambassadors have the power to amend
this rule to increment the Counter by 1 by posting a message to
agora-business indicating an attempt to perform any Agoran action by

Gratuitous pre-emptive arguments:

First, there's precedent (somewhere) on R1504(e) along the lines of
"officers generally have the right to hold office; if it's not
reasonably possible to avoid a violation while holding or exercising
some office, then it's unreasonable to demand that the holder resign in
order to avoid it".  (I'm not sure whether it covers becoming the
holder of such an office, or deputising for such an office.)  Even if
GUILTY is appropriate, there's a good argument for DISCHARGE (or at
least a lenient sentence) in light of a single player obstructing
officers by setting up a fairly trivial case.

Second, in general, attempting to perform an Agoran action by
announcement is not explicitly prohibited or regulated, thus by R101(i)
persons have the right to so attempt.  Specific forms are ILLEGAL (e.g.
Endorsing Forgery), but then R101(vi) applies.

Third, just because an ambassador "has the power" to do X by doing Y
doesn't automatically mean that e exercises that power every time e
does Y.  This clause may be interpreted to the effect that e only
exercises it when e says so, or at least that e has the power to avoid
exercising it by saying so.

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