On Wed, 19 Jun 2013, omd wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Charles Walker
> <charles.w.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 19 Jun 2013 06:30, "Aaron Goldfein" <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> As an aside, I find it funny that I still think of Roujo as a "new"
> >> player, despite the fact that e has been playing for two and a half years
> >> now and that only two players have last registered longer ago.
> >
> > I still think of myself as a newbie.
> >
> > Agora is old and slow.
> I sometimes think of everyone who registered after me (6 years ago) as
> a newbie.  Of course we have at least one player who played Agora's
> spiritual predecessor and made vaguely precedential posts 15 years
> before that, so...

15 years before nomic world?  I was 6.

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