Oh, Goethe has already CFJ'ed this. Oops.

Blob (on the lam)

On 28/06/2013, at 10:19 AM, Malcolm Ryan wrote:

> I call for judgment on the following statement:
> "At the 12:16am GMT on June 28 2013, Blob had not forfeited."
> Reasoning: The rules make it clear that forfeiting is a voluntary player 
> action. Rule 345 says a player "must" forfeit. It does not say that they "are 
> deemed to have forfeited". 
> Blob
> On 27/06/2013, at 10:38 PM, Fool wrote:
>> Good day Agorans,
>> A correction from last report brought to my attention by Yally. It does 
>> involve the disputed interpretation of the order of events when the voting 
>> on multiple proposals closes "simultaneously". I am going with the 
>> interpretation that they pass sequentially in order I numbered them (which 
>> is also the order they were proposed). This means that rule 305 does not 
>> forbid rule 332 from assigning points for votes on proposals 333-340.
>> Rule 332 awards three types of points, which I'll label:
>> (a) 10 points for proposing something that passed. I'd already awarded these.
>> (b) 5 points for voting against a proposal which passed. Steve and Chuck get 
>> 5 for prop 333; Walker, omd, and Yally get 5 for prop 340.
>> (c) 5 points for voting on any prop which passes or fails, provided you 
>> didn't get points by this clause in the last 24 hours. Walker, omd, Yally, 
>> ehird, Chuck, Steve, FSX, Blob, Murphy, Roujo get 5.
>> (I'd already awarded the 10 points for proposing something that passes, 305 
>> didn't forbid that.)
>> ----
>> Alright, onward. Proposals 342-343 closed a few hours ago, and 344-347 just 
>> closed.
>> Proposal 342 (Chuck) passes 6:2 with Michael, Blob, Chuck, ehird, Goethe, 
>> and Steve FOR; Walker and Yally AGAINST. This amends rule 326 (the ending 
>> conditions). Chuck gets 10 points by 332(a), Walker and Yally 5 by 332(b), 
>> Michael and Goethe 5 by 332(c) (the rest already got their 332(c) points).
>> Proposal 343 (Chuck) passes 6:2 with Michael, Blob, Chuck, ehird, Goethe, 
>> and Steve FOR; Walker and Yally AGAINST. This amends rule 342. Chuck gets 10 
>> points by 332(a), Walker and Yally 5 by 332(b). Everybody's already got 
>> their 332(c) points.
>> Proposal 344 (Yally) passes 5:3 with ehird, Steve, Michael, Yally, and Chuck 
>> FOR; Walker, Goethe, and omd AGAINST. This amends rule 343. It basically 
>> restores this poor rule to the original winning condition (most points), and 
>> adds a clause to resume the game next year. Yally gets 10 points by 332(a), 
>> Walker, Goethe, and omd get 5 by 332(b). ehird, Steve, Yally, Chuck, Walker, 
>> and omd get 5 by 332(c) since the last time they got points was 24 hours ago.
>> Proposal 345 (Blob) passes 6:5 with Blob, scshunt, Goethe, Steve, ehird, and 
>> Chuck FOR; Yally, Walker, Michael, FSX, and omd AGAINST. This enacts a new 
>> rule saying that whenever a proposal fails, the proposer forfeits. Blob gets 
>> 10 points by 332(a). Yally, Walker, Michael, FSX, omd get 5 by 332(b). Blob, 
>> FSX, and scshunt get 5 by 332(c).
>> And the next proposal is 346, by Blob....
>> Now, did anyone guess that it would fail? Well, put on a big silly hat and 
>> call yourself Carnac the Magnificent!
>> It fails 4:4, with Blob, Steve, Goethe, and Chuck FOR; Walker, ehird, 
>> Michael, and omd AGAINST. Blob forfeits.
>> Finally, proposal 347 (Chuck) passes 7:2 with Walker, Blob, ehird, Steve, 
>> Goethe, FSX, and Chuck FOR; Yally and omd AGAINST. This amends 332. Now 
>> there's just 10 points for proposing a proposal that passes. Chuck gets 10 
>> points.
>> The twelve Voters, one ex-Voter, and their scores are:
>> omd, 123 points
>> FSX, 5 points
>> Walker, 137 points
>> Chuck, 115 points
>> ehird, 40 points
>> Yally, 40 points
>> Michael, 10 points
>> scshunt, 11 points
>> Roujo, 5 points
>> Murphy, 5 points
>> Goethe, 10 points
>> Steve, 27 points
>> Blob, 20 points [forfeited]
>> Then there's me, I am Speaker, I have -10 points.
>> There is a pending CFJ called by Goethe on what "forfeiture" means, assigned 
>> to omd. I raised a CFJ on Roujo's votes which were conditional on the secret 
>> votes of others. Steve ruled these votes were invalid.
>> Most importantly, Chuck called two CFJs on the wording of rule 331, which 
>> may give him the win by paradox. These are pending, assigned to Walker and 
>> Michael.
>> If I receive any proposals promptly, I will distribute. Otherwise the next 
>> and final distribution is in 24 hours, and the game ends 24 hours after 
>> that. Unless the rules change, or Chuck wins in the meantime.
>> The current ruleset is below.
>> Cheers,
>> Dan Mehkeri
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 101 (Immutable)
>> All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect,
>> in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the
>> Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of the first game.
>> The Initial Set consists of rules 101-116 (immutable) and
>> 201-219 (mutable).
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 101, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 102 (Immutable)
>> Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the
>> 200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted
>> (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may
>> be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules
>> in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 102, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 103 (Immutable)
>> At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Speaker;
>> no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Speaker. At any
>> time there shall be exactly one Speaker. The term "player" in the rules
>> shall specifically include both the Voters and the Speaker.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 103, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 104 (Immutable)
>> The Speaker for the Vigintennial game shall be Daniel Méhkeri.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 105 (Immutable)
>> A rule change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal,
>> or amendment of a mutable rule; or (2) the transmutation
>> of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.
>> (Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new
>> rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable,
>> may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are
>> mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be
>> transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 105, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 106 (Immutable)
>> All rule changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on.
>> They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number
>> of votes and quorum is achieved.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 106, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 107 (Immutable)
>> Any proposed rule change must be posted to the mailing list
>> designated by the Speaker for this purpose. If adopted, it must
>> guide play in the form in which it was voted on.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 107, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 108 (Immutable)
>> No rule change may take effect earlier than the moment of the
>> completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording
>> explicitly states otherwise. No rule change may have retroactive
>> application.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 108, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 109 (Immutable)
>> The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change a number for
>> reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change
>> proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive
>> integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.
>> If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the
>> proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it
>> receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 109, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 111 (Immutable)
>> In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the
>> immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be
>> entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to
>> transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable
>> rule.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 111, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 113 (Immutable)
>> A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than
>> continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than
>> losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 113, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 115 (Immutable)
>> Rule changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply
>> rule changes are as permissible as other rule changes. Even
>> rule changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible.
>> No rule change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of
>> the self-reference or self-application of a rule.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 115, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 116 (Immutable)
>> Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted
>> and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules,
>> which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or
>> implicitly permits it.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 116, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 202 (Mutable)
>> All players begin with 0 points. Points may not be gained, lost, or
>> traded except as explicitly stated in the rules.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 202, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [The following rule is REPEALED:
>> Rule 203
>> The winner is the first Voter to achieve 100 (positive) points.
>> If more than one Voter achieves this condition simultaneously, all
>> such Voters win.
>> When a game ends in this manner:
>> -If there is only one winner, that Voter becomes the Speaker, and
>>  the old Speaker becomes a Voter
>> -If there is more than one winner, the Speaker randomly selects
>>  one of the winners, who becomes the new Speaker, and the old
>>  Speaker becomes a Voter.
>> -All players' scores are reset to 0.
>> -A new game is begun. All rules and proposed rule changes retain
>>  the status they had at the end of the old game.
>> ]
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 203, Jun. 30 1993
>> Repealed for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 204 (Mutable)
>> A proposal shall be made by posting it to the mailing list. Only
>> Voters may make proposals. The Speaker shall assign the proposal a
>> number within 24 hours of its posting.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 204, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 207 (Mutable)
>> Voters may vote either for or against any proposal within its
>> prescribed voting period. In order to be legally cast, the vote
>> must be received by the Speaker by the end of the prescribed voting
>> period. The Speaker may not reveal any votes until the end of the
>> prescribed voting period. Any Voter who does not legally vote within
>> the prescribed voting period shall be deemed to have abstained.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 207, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 208 (Mutable)
>> At the end of the prescribed voting period on a proposal, the
>> Speaker shall reveal all votes legally cast on that proposal. If
>> the Speaker's consent may be required for a proposal to be adopted,
>> then the Speaker should indicate at that time whether or not e gives
>> eir consent. If the Speaker does not explicitly indicate that e
>> refuses to consent to the proposal, it shall be assumed that e
>> consents.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 208, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 209 (Mutable)
>> The required votes for a proposal to be adopted is as follows:
>> For a proposal which would directly alter the actions which are
>> required of and/or forbidden to the Speaker:
>> a) a simple majority of all votes legally cast, if the Speaker
>>   consents;
>> b) a 2/3 majority of all votes legally cast, if the Speaker does not
>>   consent;
>> For all other proposals, a simple majority of votes legally cast.
>> This rule defers to rules which set the required number of votes
>> for proposals which propose to transmute a rule.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 209, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 210 (Mutable)
>> An adopted rule change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of 
>> the vote that adopted it.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 210, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 212 (Mutable)
>> If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if
>> two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule
>> with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.
>> If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself
>> that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence
>> over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall
>> supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.
>> If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or
>> defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 212, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 213 (Mutable)
>> If players disagree about the legality of a move or the
>> interpretation or application of a rule, then a player may invoke
>> judgement by posting a statement for judgement to the mailing list.
>> Disagreement, for the purposes of this rule, may be created by the
>> insistence of any player. When judgement is invoked, the Speaker
>> must, within 24 hours, select a Judge as described in the Rules.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 213, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 215 (Mutable)
>> After the Speaker has announced the identity of the Judge, the Judge
>> has 24 hours in which to deliver a legal judgement. If the Judge
>> fails to deliver a judgement within this time, e is penalized 10
>> points and a new Judge is selected.
>> A judgement is delivered by posting that judgement to the mailing
>> list.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 215, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 216 (Mutable)
>> A legal judgement is either TRUE, FALSE, or UNDECIDED. The
>> judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but such
>> reasons and arguments form no part of the judgement itself.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 216, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 217 (Mutable)
>> All judgements must be in accordance with the rules; however, if
>> the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement
>> to be judged, then the Judge shall consider game custom and the
>> spirit of the game before applying other standards.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 217, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 218 (Mutable)
>> In addition to duties which may be listed elsewhere in the rules,
>> the Speaker shall have the following duties:
>> -register new players
>> -maintain a list of all players and their current scores, and
>>  make such a list available to all players
>> -maintain a complete list of the current rules, and make such a
>>  list available to all players
>> -make a random determination whenever such determination is
>>  required by the rules.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 218, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 219 (Mutable)
>> If a player believes that the rules are such that further play is
>> impossible, or that the legality of a move cannot be determined with
>> finality, or that a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the
>> player may invoke judgement on a statement to that effect. If the
>> statement is judged TRUE, then the player who invoked judgement
>> shall be declared the winner of that game, and the game ends, with
>> no provision for starting another game.
>> This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the
>> winner of the game.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 219, Jun. 30 1993
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [The following rule is REPEALED:
>> Rule 304
>> Upon the enactment of this rule, each player who voted for it shall
>> receive 30 points, and each player who voted against shall lose the 10
>> points they gained for voting against; then this rule is immediately
>> repealed.
>> ]
>> History:
>> Enacted by Proposal 304 (omd), Jun. 19 2013
>> Repealed itself, Jun. 19 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 305 (Mutable)
>> No rule may award or penalize players based on their votes on proposals
>> whose voting period ended before or at the same time as the time at which
>> the current form of said rule took effect.
>> History:
>> Enacted by Proposal 305 (Chuck), Jun. 20 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 306 (Mutable)
>> A player may transfer points to another player by posting to that
>> effect on the mailing list.
>> History:
>> Enacted by Proposal 306 (omd), Jun. 21 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 309 (Mutable)
>> Initially, each Voter has exactly one vote on each proposal. During
>> the voting period on a proposal, a player with more than 50 points
>> may cast an additional vote on that proposal by making a statement
>> to that effect on the mailing list; this destroys 50 of the player's
>> points.
>> The Speaker may not vote.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 206, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended by Proposal 309 (Walker), Jun. 21 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 321 (Mutable)
>> Quorum for a proposal is defined to be 20% of Voters at the
>> beginning of the prescribed voting period for that proposal
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 201, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended by Proposal 321 (Walker), Jun 23. 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [The following rule is REPEALED:
>> Rule 323
>> If, upon the enactment of this Rule, the Rules initially numbered
>> 106, 107 and 109 are mutable, 50 of Walker's points are destroyed.
>> If possible, two seconds after this Rule is enacted, it repeals
>> itself.
>> ]
>> History:
>> Enacted by Proposal 323 (Walker), Jun. 23 2013
>> Repealed itself, Jun. 23 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 324 (Mutable)
>> Rule changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules
>> may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among votes
>> legally cast. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be
>> stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 110, Jun. 30 1993
>> Transmuted by Proposal 324, Jun. 23 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 327 (Mutable)
>> There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of
>> rule changes must never become completely impermissible.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 114, Jun. 30 1993
>> Transmuted by Proposal 310 (Walker), Jun. 22 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 327 (Walker), Jun. 24 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 331 (Mutable)
>> The Speaker shall choose Judges randomly from the set of qualified
>> players.  The players qualified to judge a statement are the Speaker
>> and those Voters who voted on the rule change whose voting period most
>> recently ended, except for the player who invoked judgement, and the
>> player (if any) most recently selected as the statement's Judge.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 214, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended by Proposal 331 (omd), Jun. 26 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 333 (Mutable)
>> The Speaker shall make one proposal distribution per 24 hours,
>> numbering and publishing the text of each proposal submitted since the
>> last distribution.  This starts each such proposal's prescribed voting
>> period, which lasts 24 hours.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 205, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 333 (omd), Jun. 26 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 340 (Mutable)
>> Within 24 hours of this Rule being enacted, the Speaker shall publish
>> the names and email addresses of all registered players of Agora XX.
>> History:
>> Enacted by Proposal 340 (Steve), Jun. 26 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 344 (Mutable)
>> Each year on June 30th at 00:04:30 UTC +1200 , the game shall end,
>> and the Voter with the most points shall win. In case of a tie, all
>> such Voters shall win simultaneously. At this time, no game actions
>> may be taken and all timers shall pause. Each year on June 1st at
>> 00:00 UTC the game shall resume and each player shall have eir points
>> set to 0. At this time game actions may again be taken and all timers
>> shall resume.
>> History:
>> Initial Immutable Rule 112, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
>> Transmuted by Proposal 311 (omd), Jun. 23 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 326 (Chuck), Jun. 24 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 342 (Chuck), Jun. 26 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 343 (Chuck), Jun. 26 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 344 (Yally), Jun. 27 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 345 (Mutable)
>> If a player proposes a rule change which is not adopted at the end
>> of its voting period, that player must immediately forfeit the
>> game.
>> History:
>> Enacted by Proposal 345 (Blob), Jun. 27 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 347 (Mutable)
>> Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive 10 points.
>> History:
>> Initial Mutable Rule 211, Jun. 30 1993
>> Amended by Proposal 301 (Chuck), Jun. 19 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 302 (Walker), Jun. 19 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 332 (omd), Jun. 26 2013
>> Amended by Proposal 347 (Chuck), Jun. 27 2013
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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