1. This is the ruleset of a nomic called Ambassador Abuse
2. There are two languages used by Ambassador Abuse: Ambabusese and English.
3. All communications to Ambassador Abuse are in Ambabusese, but the rules
themselves are in English,
4. All communications on Agora's public fora are considered communications
to Ambassador Abuse in Ambabusese
5. Ambabusese is a strange language: If Agora would interpret the
Ambabusese as transferring a number of Yaks, but failing to transfer Yaks
such that both Sgeo and woggle gain at least 1000 Yaks in the week, the
Ambabusese meaning is, translated to English, "I am the ambassador of Agora
6. If rule 5 does not specify the meaning of a communication that is in
Ambabusese, then the meaning of the Ambabusese is equivalent to the English
meaning of ROT13 applied to the communication.
7. Communications in Agora's discussion fora may be considered
communications to Ambassador Abuse in English, if stated to be such (in
English), and stated by Sgeo or woggle.
8. Sgeo may change any of these rules via a communication to Ambassador
Abuse in English.
9. woggle may change any of these rules via a communication to Ambassador
Abuse in English.

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