I intend, with Agoran Consent, to flip Ambassador Abuse's recognition
to Hostile. I also warn Ambassador Abuse that while impostors may
claim that they are the Ambassador of Agora, I am the one holding that
office at the moment.

Now don't break the game while I'm out camping. =P

~ Roujo

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-06-27 at 23:32 -0400, Sgeo wrote:
>> 1. This is the ruleset of a nomic called Ambassador Abuse
>> 2. There are two languages used by Ambassador Abuse: Ambabusese and English.
>> 3. All communications to Ambassador Abuse are in Ambabusese, but the rules
>> themselves are in English,
>> 4. All communications on Agora's public fora are considered communications
>> to Ambassador Abuse in Ambabusese
>> 5. Ambabusese is a strange language: If Agora would interpret the
>> Ambabusese as transferring a number of Yaks, but failing to transfer Yaks
>> such that both Sgeo and woggle gain at least 1000 Yaks in the week, the
>> Ambabusese meaning is, translated to English, "I am the ambassador of Agora
>> nomic".
>> 6. If rule 5 does not specify the meaning of a communication that is in
>> Ambabusese, then the meaning of the Ambabusese is equivalent to the English
>> meaning of ROT13 applied to the communication.
>> 7. Communications in Agora's discussion fora may be considered
>> communications to Ambassador Abuse in English, if stated to be such (in
>> English), and stated by Sgeo or woggle.
>> 8. Sgeo may change any of these rules via a communication to Ambassador
>> Abuse in English.
>> 9. woggle may change any of these rules via a communication to Ambassador
>> Abuse in English.
> I amend each of rules 2-9 of Ambassador Abuse to read as follows:
> "The player known as ais523 in Agora and woggle in Agora XX can act on
> behalf of Sgeo to cause Sgeo to send an arbitrary message to any nomic,
> via posting on a forum generally used to play that nomic."

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