On Tue, 30 Sep 2014, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-09-30 at 14:00 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > Of if you prefer older history, Lindrum judged "3 minutes" or so as long 
> > enough to provide for reasonable public review of the Lindrum World 
> > judgement, before e declared that it had worked.  -G.
> Was that genuinely believed to have worked, though?

> Or back then, were
> judgements considered binding even if they didn't correspond to the
> truth?

That was the exact subject of pages of debate that broke into two, 
never-resolved camps.

Judgements did "take effect", but we were probably pretty unsophisticated 
on what that actually meant.  One key point was that the Judge emself 
was the sole arbiter of the results of the judgement, so e could declare 
that BLACK=WHITE (or "time to review = 3 minutes") and that somehow 
"worked".  Of course this was Lindrum's whole point, and the ruleset e
replaced it with fixed the issue somewhat (though I don't think it 
depowered the effects of judgement as much as we do).


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