On Mon, 29 May 2017, CuddleBeam wrote:
> >Interesting question: If am still an objector, but my objection has been 
> >withdrawn, can I withdraw my my objection?
> Arguably, you can paint your objection blue too. Or dress it as Superman.
> Unregulated actions are weird.

It does concern me that no one is "required" to track objections, even 
if the argument doesn't hold up, it's a place where clarity would be

I suppose one could make the case that a dependent action, if
successful, requires a recordkeepor to modify a record;  therefore
the action of supporting/objecting "would modify a record" in
the aggregate.

Actually, I think the way it reads, what is tracked is the minimal
amount of support/objections to change the outcome.

It's an interesting possibility.

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