On Fri, 16 Jun 2017, Josh T wrote:
> > Which rule is authorizing the issuance of a card?
> Rule 2450, where it says that breaking a pledge is a cardable offense.

Food for thought:

1.  CAN is the approved way of empowering an action, but there's nothing that
     says other common-language synonyms can't be used.

2.  What does it mean when something is [Verb]-able?  By common language, does
     it mean you CAN do it (i.e. that it's do-able)?

3.  After a rules-search on "able", the only instance of [Verb]-able is 
     so assuming it works doesn't break anything.

4.  The admitted weakness of this interpretation is you'd have to infer a
     'by announcement' or something for the method.  But maybe there's a combo
     that works = Rule 2426 says "Cards CANNOT be issued except by players by
     announcement" that has a weak implication that if someone can be carded
     (is "cardable"), it can be done by players by announcement.  There may be
     other routes here.

5.  I think o has already mentioned it, but in this:
       As part of the Referee's weekly duties, e SHALL either impose
       Summary Judgment on a player or truthfully announce that e
       believes that there are no rules violations in the preceding
       Agoran week for which a Card has not already been issued.
     the second part of the clause would include rules violations by non-
     players.  If there is exactly one violation in a week, by a non-player,
     the Referee couldn't do this correctly.

6.  If a non-player publicly pledges but says e isn't being bound by the rules,
     is it a R2450 Agoran pledge, or a non-enforceable non-Agoran pledge?

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