By 2240 the latest clause takes precedence - the switch flips and
defaults.  G. Is right I believe

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 19:44 Kerim Aydin <> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Jun 2017, Josh T wrote:
> > You know what, I can kind of see the argument for imaginary numbers
> > being reasonable.
> Do you know what I think happens?  By R2483, a balance is decreased
> by i and a balance is increased by i.  But balance is a switch that
> can only be integers, soo... (by R2162)
>        If an instance of a switch would otherwise fail to have a
>        possible value, it comes to have its default value.
> So everything for both parties is set to default (0 for players, 1000
> for Agora).  Now *there's* a way to breed shinies for Agora.  Or to
> zero out everyone's shinies with transfers between players.  Whichever.
> (nice one omd, welcome back).

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