Actually, this proposal is seriously flawed. A person can always claim
to have believed that something they tried (however unreasonably), and
honest players like G. get caught in the crossfire when they do things
they're unsure of. A better way to do this is a reasonable person
standard (complain as much as you want about it being vague, because
it's probably what we're going to end up using for prosecutions
anyway). Basally, the idea is that if a reasonable person who
preformed a reasonable amount of due diligence (say looking at the
relevant rules and their annotations in the FLR for a few minutes)
could not have reasonably believed that it would work, then it's
illegal. (You'd probably add it to the existing rule, not do it as a
replacement.) We could put whatever safeguards on it people wanted.
For instance, I'd add a restriction that it only applied when doing
something contrary to common sense. I believe this would increase the
ease of prosecutions of the type of player we're trying to stop, while
still protecting honest players. Thoughts?


On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 6:27 PM, V.J Rada <> wrote:
> I think Less Strict Faking by nichdel would probably end the game as we know
> it but Less Strict Faking by nichdel is the only thing that can save it imo.
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 11:13 AM, grok (caleb vines) <>
> wrote:
>> I got yours, I just didn't wanna say anything because I thought it might
>> be funny
>> -grok
>> On Jul 20, 2017 8:09 PM, "V.J Rada" <> wrote:
>> I already did this. Did my message not send?
>> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>> <> wrote:
>>> I pend this for the minimum allowable amount.
>>> ----
>>> Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>> > On Jul 13, 2017, at 4:37 PM, Nic Evans <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I submit the following proposal:
>>> >
>>> > Title: Less Strict Faking
>>> > AI: 1
>>> > Author: nichdel
>>> > Co-authors:
>>> >
>>> > Amend R2471 (No Faking) to read:
>>> >
>>> > A person SHALL NOT attempt to perform an action which e does not
>>> > believe
>>> > to be possible so as to deceive others.
>>> >

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